How to Turn a Book into a Storage Box for Your Valuables

Items that you will need for this project:
An unwanted book
A box cutter
Mod Podge �®
Foam Brush
The first thing that you need to do is pick a book that you no longer want. Make sure that it’s a book that is relatively clean and that is thick enough for you to hide items in. Next, you need to get a box cutter, a small foam brush and a small container of Mod Podge Ã?®. For those that don’t know what Mod Podge Ã?®
is, it is a glue, finish and sealer in one that works fabulously for craft projects. It is very inexpensive and can be found at craft stores. The foam brush is what you are going to use to apply the Mod Podge �®
Make sure you are doing this project in a well ventilated area. The first thing to do is make an even coat of Mod Podge Ã?® on the inside of the back cover. After you have done this, close the book and press firmly. This will make the last page of the book firmly stick to the inside of the back cover. After giving it a few minutes to partly dry, open the front cover of the book. This will stay open so it doesn’t seal it onto the pages.
Now it is time to apply the Mod Podge �® to the tops, sides and bottoms of the pages. This will create a seal the pages closed so that you can easily make a hiding space into the center of the book. Press down with your fingertips on the edge of the first page of the book, following the pages edges as you apply the Mod Podge �® to the tops, sides and bottoms of the books pages with the foam brush. Pressing down firmly with your fingertips will push the edges of the pages closer together, which gives it a better seal as you are applying the Mod Podge �®. This will make sure that all the pages are completely sealed together. Make sure not to apply too much or it will make the pages ripple.
Now that this step is completed, leave the front cover open and give the pages time to dry. Once the Mod Podge Ã?® has set, it’s time to make the incision into the pages of the books where you will hide your items. You can make this space as large or as small as you would like in any shape that you like, it doesn’t just have to be square. Use the box cutter to cut from the center of the first page of the book and work your way down using even cuts until you have finally reached through to the back cover of the book. Removing the cut pieces of the pages of the book as you work your way down will make it easier to make even cuts without all of the extra pieces in the way.
Once that step is completed, apply the Mod Podge Ã?® to the edges of the cutout in the pages. This will seal the pages together so your item doesn’t get stuck into them. Make sure to give this plenty of time to dry. You don’t want to stick your item into the secret hiding spot only to have it be stuck to the pages.
Once the glue has dried, you are all set to use this book as a small space to hide your valuables.