How to Unclog a Sink

How to unclog a sink drain depends largely on the severity of the clog. However, before you go through the frustrating task of taking the drain apart, there are easier ways to unclog a sink drain. In most cases, taking the drain pipe apart is simply unnecessary.

About two years ago, my sink was stopped up and no matter what I did, it wouldn’t budge. Being a Christian, my first response should’ve been to take the problem to Jesus. Nevertheless, I tackled the job on my own.

The turnoff valve was frozen. Getting a pipe wrench, I tried to loosen it and broke it off! I turned the water off outside and leaned against the house in tears. That’s when I took the problem to the Lord.

My neighbor, who I hardly knew, came around his house with a can of ant poison to treat his lawn for ants and saw the tears on my face. I was embarrassed, looked down and started back toward my front door when he asked, “Is there a problem?”

Wiping the tears off my face, I explained what had happened. He put the ant poison on the ground and said, “Let me take a look and see what I can do.”

When he saw the mess I had made, he asked me what I was attempting to do. I told him that I was going to take the drain apart to unclog the sink. He said that taking it apart really wasn’t necessary and that most clogs are caused from soap scum, hair and sludge. Proper use of a plunger can usually free the clog, but a lot of people don’t really know how to properly use a plunger.

Pushing up and down on the plunger merely rocks the clog. Give the plunger a few quick plunges then yank it straight up. By giving the plunger a few swift plunges, you are loosening the clog and a swift yank upwards should dislodge it and free the drain. If the first attempt fails, try again.

If that doesn’t work, boil a pot of water and pour some dish liquid into the drain, followed by the hot water. When the water begins to slowly drain, use the plunger again. Another method is the wire coat hanger. Bend the coat hanger straight out, bend the end into a slight hook and insert it into the drain, twisting and wiggling it in an effort to break up the clog then try the plunger again.

There are several other methods that work just as well. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide create a foaming action when combined. Sprinkle some baking soda into the drain and pour some peroxide behind it. The foaming action may loosen the clog and the plunger should free the drain.

You can also run the water hose into it and try to force the clog out, which works really well, if you can get the water hose to the drain.

But if all else fails, Draino is safe for your pipes and is environmentally friendly. A one time application should unclog the drain. Just follow the directions, which, in essence, is simply a matter of pouring it into the drain and waiting thirty minutes or so then flushing the drain with water.

However, with most common household drains, the plunger should dislodge the clog; unless something has been accidentally dropped into the drain in which case, the coat hanger may be able to retrieve it.

Once he explained all of this to me, he went to the hardware store, got the parts and repaired the damage I had done. Then, he simply pushed up and down with the plunger, yanked it up, and the water went right down.

Therefore, before you attempt the task of taking your pipes apart, try some of the alternatives. If you use the plunger correctly, it really should be all you will need to unclog a sink.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

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