How to Understand the TV Ratings System

TV ratings are shown by either letters, numbers, or a combination of both. The standard symbols are:
1. TV-Y (Young)
These programs are suitable for young children ages 2 – 6 to watch. You’ll see this rating on many cartoons. Example of a TV-Y rated show: “Sesame Street.”
2. TV-Y7 (Appropriate for young viewers who are at least 7 years old)
These shows contain light physical violence. Or, they contain scenes that show violence that’s performed in a funny way. Example of a TV-Y7 rated show: “Power Rangers.”
3. TV-Y7-FV (Appropriate for young viewers who are at least 7 years old)
This rating is basically the same as above with the addition of a “FV” warning. “FV” stands for
“Fantasy Violence.” The violence in the programs that fit into this category of the TV Ratings System contain a greater amount of violence. Example of a TV-Y7-FV rated show: “The Powerpuff Girls.”
4. TV-G (All General Audiences)
Shows that have a “TV-G” rating aren’t necessarily children’s shows. They simply contain no objectionable content. Examples of TV-G rated shows: “The Price Is Right”, “7th Heaven” and “American Idol.”
5. TV-PG (Parental Guidance Needed)
This rating applies to programs that are considered to be “Family TV.” Programs contain some mild violence, coarse language, and/or sexual situations. Examples of TV-PG rated shows include: “Malcolm in the Middle” and “My Wife and Kids.”
This rating is sometimes supplemented with other letter ratings. These letters and their meanings are:
V- Moderate Violence
S – Light Sexual Situations
L – Coarse Language
D- Suggestive or Explicit dialogue or subject matter)
6. TV-14 (Parental Guidance is Recommended for Kids Under Age 14)
This is a common TV rating that’s used for a wide range of shows. Most, but not all of the shows that fall under this TV rating are broadcast after ten o’clock in the evening. Examples of these shows: “The Tonight Show” and “Friends.”
This rating is sometimes supplemented with other letter ratings. These letters and their meanings are:
V- Fierce Violence
S – Sexual Situations
L – Coarse Language
D- Highly Suggestive Dialogue
6. TV-MA (Mature Audiences Only)
Viewers of these programs should be at least 17 years old. These shows contain raw violence,
sexual dialogue or sexually clear acts, and profanity. Examples of TV-MA rated shows include: “The Shield”and “South Park”.
This rating is sometimes supplemented with other letter ratings. These letters and their meanings are:
V – Highly Illustrative Violence
S – Sexually Explicit Situations
L – Strong Language/Profanity