How to Use Common Household Items as Weapons of Protection

Women of today spend much of their time running the home and caring for the family. She makes sure they are fed well and dress properly. She drives them to every game, appointment and activity. She helps with their homework, personal problems and dries their tears when they are sad. On top of all that she is expected to earn a good income so the family can enjoy the finer things in life.

She is in charge and can do almost anything with the proper scheduling and energy and yet she is considered the weaker sex. She is supposed to care, to love, to make the world revolve around everyone but herself. She is to take care of any injuries both real and imaginary. But no one expects her to be able to fight or think on her feet in a dangerous situation. Women are considered gentle and in need of protection. But who is going to protect her and the family when no else is there?

The mom, the woman and the care giver of life is going to take a stand, learn a few tricks and protect herself and her family. With some knowledge, awareness and self training, she will be ready to face any intruder willing to take the chance of attacking the helpless housewife. When it’s over the attacker will never again consider any woman helpless or an easy target. She will give the police any information they require, dry a helpless girl tear from her eye and shout to the world “TAKE THAT!”.

We are going to take a trip from room to room as we learn about protection and everyday weapons available for our use. You will see your home in a whole different light by the time you finish reading this lesson. It will be a brighter, more fun and safer home for everyone you chose to care for in it. It will be your very own fortress and you will be the goddess in charge of it all!

Starting with the main living area of the house we find the living room full of love, mementos and over stuffed furniture. As you look around check for escape paths you could use if you must run. Is there are path or direction better for you? Can you jump over items or is there too much to maneuver around? Learn your paths by walking through them over and over pretending you are making a slow escape. After you are comfortable begin by moving quickly from place to place pretending you are being chased. Become aware if there is a better arrangement for you and a worse one for the attacker.

You can move furniture to your advantage. Anything you can jump over is likely to slow down the attacker especially in a dark room you are used to. Place items you can pull into your path as you go by placing it in the path of your pursuer. Know where all the shoes are left laying on the floor from the day so you can hop over them and hope for the intruder to trip over them or at least steps on them to slow him down.

For weapon consideration always have a couple of beautiful items you can use as a club. Candle holders, tall vases, statues or even pictures and very heavy bowls or ashtrays. Grab it as you go by or if it is close to you. While on the move make your plan quickly. Once the intruder sees you grab something he is going to be ready for you to swing at his head. So make sure you pick a different target the first time you swing. Duck and swing at the groin, knees or top of foot. You can also turn and run straight at the attacker with the object held close to your body and when you are close enough bring it straight up to the underside of his chin. Do NOT hit yourself by accident.

Lamps are great clubs and even more frightening as lances. Grab the lamp, aggressively knock the shade off and leave the broken bulb in place. Jab at the face or groin area. Always be the aggressor in this case. You want to turn the situation to your advantage. Learn to drop and roll under tables, behind chairs and around corners. You can also drop and roll at the attacker knocking him off his feet giving you time to jump, run and escape.

From there you will enter the kitchen. What an arsenal you will have right at your fingertips! Any direction you look is a weapon. On almost any counter of a kitchen is at least one knife. You have drawers full of them and they are wonderful weapons. You will have the physiological advantage with knives. If you don’t feel comfortable with only one small knife then grab two or a few in each hand. Nothing is scarier than a mad woman with a hand full of knives on the attack. Swing and stab with both arms at the attacker. Aim for face, his hands, throat, torso, legs, underarms and anything else you can make a hit on. Keep a tight hold on the knives as you fight. If the attacker is trying to back away from you keep swinging and advance on him. Do not stop just because he asks you too.

Use your kitchen chairs as weapons to swing at the attacker as you back your way to an escape or to push him out the nearest door or window. Do not worry about a broken window at this time. You can fix it later. You can use the chair to break a window for your own escape. When running through the kitchen also remember that a quickly opening cupboard makes a great club to the face of anyone running behind you. It’s like pushing a limb on a tree so it snaps back at the person next in line. Refrigerator doors make great shields while freezers doors can cause a good bruise to the part of the body it hits at full force.

If you still need more items to fight your way to safety grab can goods. One in each hand puts a lot more force into a fist. Aim with the edge of the can when you are on the attack to cause the most damage possible. The rim of the can will cut or break bones. If you are aiming at the face try to break out teeth from the mouth area or crush the nose.

If you happen to be at the stove cooking a frying pan or pot filled with anything hot can be thrown into the face of the attacker then it becomes a weapon to swing at his head. This will give you time to be on the move again to the next area of your home.

The bedroom. This is a woman’s greatest fear to be attacked while sleeping. He is on you with a hand covering your mouth so you can’t scream for help. Since you can’t scream for help you’ll have to make the attacker the one screaming. If your arms are under the blanket use all your strength to roll to the side of the bed. You want to knock the attacker to one side and get them tangled in the blankets. Grab your bedside lamp and club then on the head before leaving the room.

If you are daring enough keep a good strong bladed knife between the mattress within your reach then do so. Practice pulling it out and using it many times so you get used to where the handle will be when you are ready. Remember you will be waking up in a terrified state of mind and you want to change that so the attacker has the terrified state of mind! Pepper spray is great but get used to which direction it is going to spray so you don’t spray your own eyes in the dark of the night.

If you are prepared and trained to use a firearm learn to recognize each family members night noises so you don’t shoot one of them. Keep it in the room somewhere easy for you to reach , but not so close you’ll still be half asleep when you grab it. You want to make sure you are shooting the right person. Learn to shoot well and always use a handgun right for your size and close defense. You don’t need one that will go through the attacker, the wall, the neighbors wall and the neighbor! Keep it loaded and teach your children how to shoot. It could be their own life they have to save.

Your best weapon in the bedroom is going to be you. Use your hands and fingers to push in eyes, push at throat, slam open handed forcing air into the ears, pull hair and head in a twist. Use your knee to strike anything you can. If you are still under the covers then just keep kicking with your knees. If you can get your feet free from the blankets then kick whatever you can reach. If you are feeling limber enough that night you can roll back and hook one leg around his neck and then stiffen your body straight. This will pull the attacker backwards off of you.

Roll forward onto the attacker and place one very hard open handed punch to the nose. You want to break it if at all possible. If this stops them for just a moment then run or get your next weapon. Know your escape path in each room and follow it. Have your items located for your use. As you leave the room grab your next weapon such as a flashlight incase he pursues you.

The bathroom is small but full of wonderful thing. If you are in the shower you will feel so vulnerable, but you can use it to your advantage anyway. If you are in the shower and have a shower curtain when the attack happens grab the curtain and jump at the attacker tangling him in it. Take hold of the shampoo bottle and as hard as you can hit him in the teeth trying to break as many as you can. Grab his head and pull until you slam it into the wall behind you, then run.

If you have a shower door just remember they aren’t very strong so slam it shut if possible then placing your hands on the metal edges push it out at the attacker. Use it as your weapon and don’t worry about stepping on the broken glass. You can get your feet taken care of once you are safe. Use the attackers body as a stepping stone out of the shower, but be quick because he is going to try to grab you. Being wet and naked is to your advantage because you are going to be hard to hold onto so keep fighting.

If you are going to use an aerosol of some kind remember when you spray it into the eyes of the attacker it is only going to be a temporary slow down. It will make him mad, but it won’t blind him. However it will give you time to bring the can or bottle back and slam it into his nose or lip area. You also have tooth brushes, hair brushes, bottles of all kinds and anything else hard will make a good weapon. Slamming open cabinets and drawers are great to cause damage enough for you to escape.

Always be at your most aggressive when you begin to fight back. Use walls, ledges, floors, counter tops and anything else as a weapon. If it won’t come to you then grab the attacker and force him to it. Anything can be a weapon with enough imagination. Walk from room to room studying every part and every piece. Practice with your family making it a game. The attacker won’t have the chance to hurt anyone or complete his plan if you and your family have your own plan. Be smart and learn escape and home protection now before it happens to you.

You have now toured your home in a whole new light. You can choose and select your style and weapons in colors you love. Run the fantasy of the attacks often through your mind and play at escaping or fighting. Teach your children to use whatever is available to them, but most of all to escape and go for help. You do not have to be scared in your own home. You want to know if someone breaks in or attacks you they are going to end up paying in a way they never thought possible from the lovely helpless housewife of today.

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