How to Use Mouse Traps Effectively

Mice are a problem in nearly every city in the U.S. and they can easily make their way into your home. If you develop a problem with mice, you must learn how to use mouse traps effectively. Unfortunately, getting ride of mice in your home isn’t easy and is often a disgusting business. In order to get rid of them, you’ll have to set mouse traps, which don’t always capture and kill all of the mice.

The most common (and most effective) mouse trap on the market is the good old fashioned snap trap. This type of mouse trap is inexpensive and usually comes in a pack of four or five for less than $5.00. You have to set several of them in order for them to work, and you might have to set them continually as they are not a preventative measure. Some snap traps on the market these days are electronic, but they are more expensive. They have a U-shaped metal bar attached to a spring that is released when the weight of the mouse steps onto the trap.

On the movies, you usually see mouse traps set with pieces of cheese, but the most effective food to use is peanut butter. It’s far less expensive and it doesn’t take much to attract the mice in your home. Some mouse traps are adjustable so that you can set them to be more or less sensitive. The setting depends on the size of the mice in your home as well as the agility with which you set the trap.

Arrange the trap so that it is perpendicular to a corner wall and place a blob of peanut butter on the spring. Some people prefer to set them under tables or behind arm chairs so that the mice in your home are more bold about approaching them. In most cases, since mice are nocturnal, you’ll catch more mice after dark. It is also important to set your mice traps in rooms where you have spotted mice in the past. Living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and the kitchen are all common places for mice to hang out.

If you have pets in your home, make sure to set mouse traps so that your animals aren’t in danger of hurting themselves. A dog or a cat isn’t going to be killed by a mouse trap, but they might suffer severe damage to the face or paw. The same goes for small children who live in the home. Either don’t set mouse traps or set them where your children can’t get to them as they’re crawling across the floor. Make sure you don’t set the mouse traps in halls or anywhere that people might walk barefoot. You don’t want to accidentally close the trap on your toes.

Remember that mouse traps are a grisly business and you shouldn’t set them if you’re going to get squeamish about the aftermath. There is often blood, and you’ll need to use thick protective gloves to handle them. Once you’ve found a mouse trap that’s done its job, dump it in double plastic bags and put it outside for the trash. Never keep a dead mouse in one of your home trash cans as the stench will become unbearable.

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