How to Use Your Remote Car Alarm System to Protect Your Home and Family

Remote car alarm systems are designed to protect your vehicles from being stolen. You can purchase a new car, truck, van or SUV with a factory-installed car alarm system already in it. Or, you can buy and install – or hire a technician to install – an alarm system if your vehicle doesn’t have one. These systems are rather inexpensive to buy, but they can be difficult to install yourself. They are easy and practical to use. Besides helping deter burglars from stealing your vehicle, these systems can also help guard you in another way as well. Read this informative article and learn how to use your remote car alarm system to protect your home and family!

There are many different brands and models of remote car alarm systems. Some of them are only a remote vehicle alarm with a panic button. Other systems include additional features such as a remote car start, door lock/unlock, parking light button, et cetera. The more features your remote car alarm system has, the more ways it can help protect your home and family. However, even having a basic remote car alarm can often do the trick!

If you’re not sure what your remote car alarm system is capable of doing, the first thing to do is to become familiar with it. Read your owner’s manual to find out. Or take your remote outside where your vehicle is parked and figure out what all the buttons are for.

Now that you know what your car alarm can do, it’s time to use it to help protect your home and family, besides your vehicle. Instead of hanging the keys (and the car remote) to your vehicle on a hook and forgetting about them when you get home, keep the remote accessible, especially at night. It would be a good idea to even place the car remote on your nightstand when you go to bed. Your remote should work anywhere inside your home. But, just to make sure, walk to different points in your house and check the operating range.

Then, if you ever see or hear a suspicious person lurking outside your home, use your remote car alarm remote to set off your vehicle alarm. Or, use it to make your vehicle’s horn start honking. The noise in itself can scare off would-be intruders and help protect your home and family. The noise can also alert your neighbors to the fact that there’s something wrong next door.

I can attest that this works. Because, I’ve used my own remote car alarm system to scare off suspicious persons in my driveway. Instead of using the alarm feature though, I started my car and turned on the parking lights. It had the same effect on the trespassers. Since it was pitch dark out, the trespassers couldn’t tell if there was anyone in the car or not.

You should grab your telephone at the same time you pick up your remote to your car alarm system. That way, if the deterrent doesn’t work, by chance, you can use your phone to immediately contact the police.

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