How to Vacation in Your Own Backyard

The Biggest Vacation Obstacle
The obvious – and legitimate reason is money. Money is what holds many of us back from achieving our goals. It takes money to start a business, family, savings account, and so forth. It also takes money to take that long overdue trip to Disneyland, or that second honeymoon to Hawaii. Sadly, a large number of Americans earn a decent salary, yet they do not have the money for lavish vacations. Understandably, every aspect of life has become more expensive in recent years. This includes the cost of living, the price of fuel, daycare, and so forth. It appears that living paycheck-to-paycheck has become the norm regardless of whether you make $30,000 a year or $60,000 a year.
Vacation Alternative
Those who are in desperate need of a vacation have options. Although it may not sound very exciting, there is a way to vacation while at home. Of course many feel this is impossible, especially with the slew of friends and extended relatives they may have in the area. However, cruise ships and romantic getaways are not the only way to enjoy a little rest and relaxation. Vacationing at home is possible, as long as you adhere to a few strict rules. Whereas I do not recommend telling little white lies, I do recommend bending the truth a little. The truth is that home vacations usually turn out to be a bust. This may be due to the steady stream of self-inviters who take up residence in our homes. They think that our being on vacation means we want to stay up late watching movies, or watching the kids for a week so they can save money on childcare. The key to successfully vacationing at home is not letting others know that you are actually home. Obviously, when we mention vacation people immediately want to know where we are headed. The way to handle this question is by explaining that you will likely hop in your car and take a relaxing road trip, stopping overnight to rest of course. This may sound as if you are lying, but in actuality – you’re not.
While vacationing at home it is nice to plan a day or two when you remain in your pajamas all day. However, it would be great to plan a few day trips. Couples could spend a day on the beach, visit an amusement park, drive to the nearest city for sightseeing, or plan a day at a day spa. Families could have a picnic in the park, enjoy a water park, visit the zoo, and so forth. The biggest expenses when vacationing are transportation, accommodations, and food. The best part about vacationing at home is that each night you will return home. Thus, you will not incur additional hotel costs.
Skip the Household Chores
Many people spend their vacation doing housework and other chores. To receive the most out of the vacation time, try and complete all obligatory tasks prior to the start of your vacations. This way, you are able to spend more time relaxing and having a good time. What is the point of vacationing if you plan to spend the entire time re-landscaping the yard, cleaning the garage, organizing cabinets, or re-decorating. These tasks require time and energy. Of course, all of these household chores are necessary and must be completed, but vacation time is not the time to catch up on housework. If you must do a little cleaning or organizing, plan this for the first day of your vacation. Complete as much work as possible in one day, and promise yourself that the remainder of your vacation will be spent being lazy.
Indulge Yourself
Vacationing at home means you’ll save money on hotels, rental cars, and airfare. Thus, allowing a little indulging. Plan to have dinner at a fancy restaurant. Enjoy the local nightlife. See a play or musical. Many cities and states have popular attractions that are often ignored by the locals. These might include water sports such as parasailing, jet skiing, or cultural events such as museums or ethnic festivals. Plan to schedule different activities. These will be fun for the entire family. Moreover, include the kids in planning activities. Maybe there is a local children’s museum or indoor play area that they’ve been begging to visit.
Couples Vacation – Minus the Kids
Family vacations at home are very rewarding. However, moms and dads need alone time as well. Planning that second honeymoon often gets lost amongst work, PTA meetings, and playing referee to sibling rivalry. Aside from not being able to afford a dream vacation, some parents feel guilty vacationing without their children. Try and put aside such feelings and enjoy a parenting break. When planning a couples-only vacation at home, contact a close relative such as a grandparent, aunt, cousin, etc and ask if they can watch the kids for a weekend or week. Once the children are gone, moms and dads can enjoy some one-on-one time which is essential to a relationship. Favorite activities for couples include a couple’s massage, candlelight dinner, picnic, and so forth. Additionally, renting a ton of movies and loading up on junk food is a great way to enjoy a relaxing night-in with your spouse. Although the goal of vacationing at home is to save money, couples may consider staying in a local hotel for one night of their vacation. If possible, select a hotel room with a scenic view, perhaps overlooking the ocean. This is a great end to a fun, relaxing, romantic, and affordable vacation.