How to Vacuum Seal Food Without Expensive Equipment

You don’t need expensive vacuum sealing machines to vacuum seal food. It’s easy and cheap to vacuum seal your own food in plastic bags without expensive equipment.

What You Need to Vacuum Seal Food without Expensive Equipment

You’ll only need three simple ingredients to vacuum seal food without expensive equipment when using this method. You’ll need the food, of course, a plastic zip lock bag large enough to hold the food and a microwave.

How to Vacuum Seal Food without Expensive Equipment – Step #1

The first step you’ll take to vacuum seal food without expensive equipment is to place the food inside the zip lock bag. Close the bag about half of the way. You need to leave a large portion (half or a little more) of the bag unzipped.

How to Vacuum Seal Food without Expensive Equipment – Step #2

The next step to vacuum seal food is to place the partially closed bag with the food inside into the microwave. Cook on high for about thirty seconds.

How to Vacuum Seal Food without Expensive Equipment – Step #3

As soon as you hear the ding, take the food immediately out of the microwave. Be careful as it will be hot. Place the bag on a flat surface and quickly seal the bag, closing the portion you left open previously.

How to Vacuum Seal Food without Expensive Equipment – Step #4

Now for the fun part! Watch as your food amazingly vacuum seals on its own. If you’ve sealed the bag quickly after removing from the microwave, the air in the bag will disappear before your eyes.

Food sealed in this method will last indefinitely in the freezer, depending on the food. Some foods freeze better than others but with the absence of air inside the zip lock bag, freezer burn will be a thing of the past.

How to Vacuum Seal Food without Expensive Equipment – The Straw Method

There is another simple way to vacuum seal food without expensive equipment if you don’t have or want to use a microwave. However, in my experience the microwave method works much better and it’s easier.

If you want to use the straw method to vacuum seal food, put the food in a zip lock bag. Zip the bag but leave about an inch unclosed at the end. Take a straw, insert it into the hole and suck out the air. This will effectively vacuum seal the food. Remove the straw, seal the bag and freeze.

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