How to Write a Letter

President George Bush – – – – – – – – – – – (full address and heading. person’s name and title first)
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President: – – – – – – – – – – – – (Dear, title Mr/Mrs/Ms.)
This letter is about the money you have that you use for school education (purpose). I would like to see some of the money be used to hire more teachers. Schools need more teachers because the classrooms are filled with 28 or more students (be specific and use stats/numbers) in a class. I think the students would learn more if there were less kids in a class. I know this to be true because in my classroom there are roughly 30-34 kids. – – – – – – – – -(state purpose of letter in 1st paragprah)
I would also like to see the money going towards building new schools with new technology because the schools we have now are big, old, over crowded and the technology is outdated. The new schools we would have would be smaller and meet the children’s needs of today. They could be specialty schools that teach language, technology, arts and drama.
– – – (2nd paragraph, body of letter. heart of problem you want solved)
Over the years due to budget cuts and program changes, children in schools like mine are now faced with less gym, drama, art and music programs which are replaced by literacy and math classes. I feel it is important to build a strong body and mind. Having gym on a regular basis would keep the body fit, lower the obesity rate and help stimulate your mind to do better work on your other studies, because it helps you let go of excess energy. Schools should not only be about reading, writing and arithmetic. We should be introduced to different types of music, art and drama to balance out our lives.
– – – -(State exactly how problem can be solved and your solution for the problem. Also state why the problem needs to be solved).
I know it must be difficult to be President of the United States and having to budget so much money for so many different things but if you don’t invest in the children of today we will have no leaders tomorrow.
– – – – – (strong understanding final paragraph and sentences. State action must be taken now.)
– – -(skip a few lines)
Sincerely, – – – – – -(final formality. use sincerely, yours truly, my friend etc.)
John Smith (name, if letter written by hand sign it in between the greeting and name