How to Write an Online Personal Ad that is Sure to Produce Results

Our society has sure come a long way from meeting other singles in bars. We’ve even graduated from writing up and placing ads in local newspapers. More and more singles who are looking for love are now using online personal ads to find their perfect mates. The funny thing about ads, is, that no matter what you’re trying to sell, if the ad doesn’t attract the readers’ attentions, then it might as well not be there. If you are single, and you want to broaden your search for a mate, then you need to find out how to write an online personal ad that is sure to produce results.

The first thing you’ll need to do is some research. Check around on the Internet and find web sites you’re interested in placing your personal ad on. If you’re a single girl in your 20’s, for example, read some of the other ads that other young, single girls have posted. Note which ads draw your attention, and which ones you find boring. That will give you an idea of what your ad should look like… sort of. In order to produce the best results, you’ll want your personal ad to stand out from the rest. But, at least, seeing what others have written can give you ideas on the best way to write your ad.

Now that you have an idea of what online personal ads look like, it’s time to take stock of yourself. Write up a list of your hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes that make you “YOU” exclusively. Some people like to mention their college education, achievements, weekend activities, and so on.

Also, write up a list of the qualities you’re looking for in a mate. Are you looking for someone who loves the great outdoors? Or, does settling down in front of a fireplace suit your personality better? Are you an optimist who’s seeking another optimist? Or, are you an introvert or an extrovert?

The better you can describe yourself and your likes and dislikes, the more results your online personal ad will produce. If you’re not in touch with your real self and you’re feelings,(not everyone is, you know), ask a trusted friend to describe you. Jot down things they say about you to use in your personal ad.

Next, you’ll need to take the information you have gathered and put it in the form of an ad that will draw attention. Be creative, but, above all, be honest! Don’t try to portray yourself as someone you’re not! Be real- be you!

Note: Be honest, but don’t divulge too much personal information when you write up your online personal ad. I suggest, in order to protect yourself, that you don’t use your real name. Once a relationship develops with a “special someone” you feel you can trust, you can reveal your name.

Some people use acronyms to describe themselves in their online personal ads. You know, “SWM” or “ISO” or “DBM”, just to mention a few of the most common ones. Acronyms are fine to use in offline newspapers where space is limited, but leave them out of your online personal ad.

And, don’t use worn-out clichÃ?©s and phrases such as “looking for love”, or worse yet, “red hot lover”, or anything like that that’s been used time and time again in personal ads.

When you write up the first draft of your online personal ad, don’t worry about spelling or punctuation for now. Just write it out as it comes to your mind. Then, read it over outloud and listen to how it sounds. If you were someone else, how would your personal ad sound to you? Is is interesting? Dull? Does it ramble on? Or is it clear and concise? Remember- you want to produce results!

Rewrite your personal ad and eliminate any unnecessary words. Be sure to use colorful adjectives and action words to accurately describe yourself. For example, instead of writing, “I really, really love to ski”, say, “I love to speed down the ski slopes.”

If you’re still unsure if your personal ad says what you want it to, then have a friend you trust read it over and make suggestions on how to improve it.

Make the necessary corrections. Then, spell check and proofread your ad one more time. Include a clear, high-quality snapshot of yourself, and submit your online personal ad to some of the websites you’ve chosen.

Just make sure, to produce the best results, that you choose web sites that have decent sized memberships. Placing your ad online where it won’t be seen, or only by a handful of people is just a waste of time.

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