Huggies Diapers

Huggies diapers are supposed to be comparable to Pampers Baby Dry diapers in quality, leak protection and price. While they are similar in price, with Huggies diapers being a few cents less expensive at my local Walmart, the quality and leak protection of Huggies diapers leaves something to be desired.
Huggies diapers have recently changed their name from Huggies Ultratrim Diapers and have now added the words “Baby Shaped” to their packing. They have also changed their character design from Mickey Mouse to The Lion King. It is true that Huggies diapers are trim and fit baby well. The tabs on Huggies diapers are Velcro and stretchy for easy closure and a great fit as baby grows. The tabs are also very wide, which I find to be especially nice since they hold the diaper closed very securely. Unfortunately, the tabs on Huggies diapers aren’t attached to the diaper very securely. On several occasions the tab has ripped as I am trying to close the diaper.
As far as comfort is concern, the fit of Huggies diapers has always been great on my children. From size Newborn to size six I have found that following the recommended weight ranges on the package has ensure a great fitting diaper for my babies.
It’s too bad that the comfort of Huggies diapers doesn’t extend to the feel of their diapers. I have found Huggies diapers to be a bit scratchy on the outside and around the legs. Huggies diapers have left red marks on the skin (especially on their tummy) of my children when they were toddlers and constantly in motion. The inside lining of Huggies diapers is surprisingly soft compared to the outside. However, that has not stopped Huggies diapers from causing my children to have diaper rash.
As far as excellent leak protection is concerned, I feel that Huggies diapers are below average. They do not seem to hold well over night and on more than one occasion the diaper has literally exploded and left my child, his clothes and bedding covered in gel crystals. During the day, I feel that Huggies diapers have to be changed more often than other brand name diapers.
My two favorite things about other brand name diapers on the market are missing from Huggies diapers. An aloe additive to protect baby’s bottom from diaper rash and irritation is not present in Huggies diapers. Also, Huggies diapers do not contain any added scent and the smell of urine is overwhelming as soon as the diaper becomes soiled, whether or not it is full. There are other non-scented diapers on the market that don’t smell of urine as strongly. Of course, the lack of scent is great for those babies who might be extra sensitive to fragrance.
The most positive thing I can say about Huggies diapers is that the manufacturer sends a lot of coupons to parents who sign up on their website. I wouldn’t recommend this diaper at all, but if other parents try them and like them, I would recommend signing up for developmental information and coupons.