Hugo Boss Baldessarini Cologne Product Review

When I first bought my bottle of Hugo Boss Baldessarini I was in the market for a manly cologne that didn’t make me reek like New Jersey. I didn’t want anything flashy or easily distinguishable. I didn’t like the brand name colognes, like Calvin Klein, which had become too commercialized.
Although Hugo Boss is all about commercialization, his Baldessarini is something different. Its bottle is surprisingly plain-a not too round, not too square. In fact, it was “inspired by the purity of an antique Singaporean cologne bottle.” I just thought it was a regular bottle of cologne. Well, that regular bottle is extraordinary.
The fragrance of Baldessarini is one of an exquisite subtlety! After checking out all of the other colognes (and giving myself a headache in the process) I was ready to buy some over-the-top jock cologne along the lines of Candie’s. But the worker behind the counter, an experienced older woman with lily-white hair, just politely shook her head. She reached behind the counter and brought out the Hugo Boss. She didn’t speak much English, but she knew how to say “it just melts in your mouth.”
This woman knew what she was talking about. I’ve received multiple compliments from women on my cologne and, everytime I put on my Baldessarini, I can be sure that I won’t emit some repugnant odor like other guys I know.
The best memory I have of wearing Baldessarini was when I was walking to a party with my friend Mike. He was actually trying to brag to me about combining three colognes, telling me how well it works. Well, we met up with a girl he knew (and desperately loved). She told me how well I smelled later on in the night, and later kissed me. The next morning, She found the side-mirror on her car had been ripped off. She found out Stinky Mike had done it!
Face it: the world of colognes is a competitive one, driven by male aggressiveness. It can be confusing too, with the same marketing messages being distributed to men who crave distinction and independence from the pack. Unfortunately, it takes reviews like this to set the record straight. Despite all the other jive has to offer, like “Baldessarini is an expression of true masculinity,” they’re right to say that this is for the guy who doesn’t want, or need, to show off. So be a man, dump that stank stuff you got at Wal-Mart, and invest in a bottle that’s worth it-you won’t be sorry.