Human Race Machine

Nancy Burson made this all possible with her pioneering in Morphing Technology. She has recently received media attention for her Human Race Machine, which allows viewers to see themselves as a different race. Currently there are several Human Race Machines touring the U.S. college and university market. As a photographer, writer, inventor, healer, and minister, Burson has lectured and taught worldwide, including a visiting professorship at Harvard and an adjunct position at New York University.
The Human Race Machine allows participants to see themselves with the facial characteristics of six different races mapped onto their own face.Creator Nancy Burson’s patented technology captures your image while you sit in front of the machine.You use the four differentprograms to apply the changes you would like to see. The Human Race Machine is available for a full week or more.
The Human Race Machine arrives in a custom-made case via ground freight. The machine and shipping crate weigh about 250 lbs. The dimensions are approximately 28 inches wide by 44 inches long by 31 inches high. The installation is minimal, but we send explicit directions to make sure you get it exactly right. Nancy Burson is also available to present a lecture. She delivers a poignant and inspiring talk about her vision.
I could see where this machine could be great in schools to shows students we are much more alike then we realize. As Nancy says “There is only one race, the human one. The concept of race is not genetic, but social. There is no gene for race. The Human Race Machine allows us to move beyond differences and arrive at sameness. We are all one.” With the race machine you can see that everyone is genetically the same. Burson also said “The machine is really a prayer for unity. It’s about seeing through our differences to sameness, it’s like stepping into someone else’s skin.” She added the database of Middle Eastern faces, both Arab and Jewish, after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11.
Maybe in some way this machine can help with prejudices of races. Who knows maybe you will think you look better as a different race.