Humidifier Review: Sunpentown SU-4010 Ultrasonic Humidifier

The Sunpentown SU-4010 is an ultrasonic humidifier suitable for use in rooms up to 500 square feet. It will help relieve your dry nose and throat so that you can sleep comfortably. You can find the Sunpentown SU-4010 for a price between $70 and $80. Let’s take a look at some of the features offered by this ultrasonic humidifier.

The Sunpentown SU-4010 is a dual-mist humidifier. This means that it can output either a warm or cool mist. It can output approximately 400cc an hour. The Sunpentown SU-4010 also has split nozzles so that you can spread the mist to a wider area. You can rotate the nozzles a full 360 degrees.

The Sunpentown SU-4010 is also equipped with an ION exchange filter. This filter will help remove calcium and magnesium from hard water so that scale doesn’t form in the water tank. This will help the Sunpentown SU-4010 achieve a longer life span. Also, the ION exchange filter will help keep dust particles from being blown into the air by the humidifier. You will also be able to keep the unit clean as a cleaning brush is included in the package.

This ultrasonic humidifier also features a transparent water tank that can hold up to a gallon of water. This provides enough water to allow the Sunpentown SU-4010 to produce a warm mist for up to 10 hours or a cool mist for up to 12 hours. The large water tank is also equipped with a handle so that you can carry it around easily.

You will also like the fact that the Sunpentown SU-4010 is extremely quiet, so you don’t have to worry about it keeping you up at night. The humidifier also won’t run up your electric bill as it is incredibly energy efficient. The Sunpentown SU-4010 only uses 90 watts of power while operating in the warm mist mode. The unit uses approximately 40 watts of power when producing a cool mist. This humidifier also features overheat protection.

If you’re looking for a nice humidifier for your home, then you should consider buying the Sunpentown SU-4010. This humidifier can produce both a warm and cool mist. It is also equipped with an ION exchange filter to remove magnesium and calcium from the hard water in the water tank. The Sunpentown SU-4010 can hold up to a gallon of water which allows it to produce a cool mist for up to 12 hours or a warm mist up to 10 hours.

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