Hurricane Homeowner’s Claims; Five Unique Homeowner Purchases

The following is a list of five unique items every homeowner should consider purchasing prior to hurricane and tropical depression season:
Fire Proof Safety Deposit Box
Boxes range in price from low range of $20 to as high as $500. Cost will depend on the quality of the build as well as the size of box. For most families, a box can be purchased at your local home improvement store for about $50 and provide enough space to secure home, health and life insurance documents as well as prescription medications and medical records.
For most homeowner’s, the initial instinct is to protect windows with plywood and 2′ x 4′. However, once the hurricane approaches, any destruction to your home may require your immediate attention to mitigate further losses. To ensure you are prepared for the homeowner’s insurance inspection, take photos of any and all damage before you begin temporary repairs. The photos will be required by the insurance carrier as confirmation of damage prior to the repair work. Failing to photograph before you make repairs may result in denial of your claim, partially or fully, for “failing to exhibit” your losses.
For most, the purchase of plywood and 2′ x 4’s seems to the most logical purchase as it will work to protect the most delicate of areas in your home; windows. However, strong winds and rain may result in roof damage especially those roofs which have begun to show age due to wear, tear and deterioration. To ensure your property is protected from interior ensuing water losses, consider purchasing a tarp and cover the roof as an added safety measure to prevent wind blown shingles and wind driven rain from entering the dwelling.
Extra Cell Phone Battery
With most Americans carrying cell phones there is no fear in a lack of communication. Instead, the issue may be a lack of electricity resulting in the inability to charge a cell phone battery. Consequently, it is recommended that at least one extra battery be purchased to ensure you can not only communicate with family and friends but also be one of the first to report a homeowner’s damage claim which may result in more prompt action on your claim and a more speedy settlement and repair time.
Battery Operated Fans
Because loss of electrical service is extremely likely during a hurricane, consider the purchase of battery operated fans (with extra batteries, of course) for not only personal use but also to be used to begin drying out very damp areas of the home. By doing so, you may be able mitigate further damages including the possibility of developing mold, while your homeowner’s claim is in the settlement process.
As we’ve seen in recent severe weather events, preparation is the key to prevent disaster and mitigate losses. When faced with the possibility of a hurricane or tropical season event, purchasing these five unique items will further assist your preparation of the aftermath of the storm.