Hurricane Preparedness in Puerto Rico

The most remembered hurricanes in the island in recent years are Hurricane Hugo in 1989 hitting the municipalities of Viequez and Culebra and the northeast corner of Puerto Rico. It causes major damage to those areas, and hurricane George in 1998 that entered Puerto Rico East all they way to the west, it has been the most terrible and strongest winds that I have ever felt and I have learned a lot with this experience.
Here in the island people are taking serious this hurricane season and they are cleaning their houses for loose object and cutting away trees that may put lives in danger. The best thing to do right now is to be prepared and these preparedness tips will help you be prepared.
Before the hurricane hits you should:
Protect windows, doors with wood panels and secure your roof.
Secure any loose garbage cans, gardening equipment and anything else that could get lift and cause damage or come flying through a window.
Learn the safest route from where you live to a safe zone.
Make a home inventory and secure important documents.
Check your first aid kit or emergency kit you need to have all the basic items plus if anyone in the family needs to take a prescribed medication go and get enough, is more difficult to get them in an emergency state.
You need a flashlight, batteries, enough water to drink and general use, caned (not refrigerated) food supplies, and a battery operated radio.
Go to the gas station and fill the car tank to full, if you wait to much you will spend an entire day trying to get some.
During the Hurricane you should:
Stay in the home of the safe place you are until the authorities say is safe to go out.
Keep your battery radio tuned to the local station for further evacuation instructions.
Never go out when the wind is hitting or even if you feel is safe keep inside until authorities say is safe.
After The Hurricane you need to:
When authorities say is safe to return home or to go out of your home start to see what damages you suffer and make an assessment, record everything, and take pictures or video if available.
Begin cleaning up as soon as it is safe to do so. Throw away all contaminated goods.
Make sure the power generator is properly installed, and know how to use it.
The safest choice is to use flashlights rather than candles, use battery operated light inside the house for mayor safety. In every place where people get affected by a hurricane the major lesson is to be prepared early for this event, you can not assume that the hurricane will go away and nothing is going to happen, we have to be prepared as we are sure it will hit. The other major lesson is to be organized if you skip one or more of this tip you and your family will suffer the consequences, so make a list of priorities and start to accomplish the one by one until you are ready.