I Am Big Brother Spy Software 9.1

The worldwide web is shaping up to be a link towards disaster, in many ways. Though the internet provides us with a plethora of very helpful information, it also opens the door to a landfill of predators and inappropriate content. In addition, it tends to undermine our ability to think�see past the many invalid resources that plague the information highway in epidemic proportions. It is evident that, in our dealings; discretion must be exercised and common sense must be first and foremost.

What happens when we are unable to root out the bad seeds?

Studies have revealed:
1. An estimated 725,000 people have been aggressively pursued for sex online
2. 1 out of 4 children were sent pictures of people who were naked or having sex.
3. 1 out of 5 kids was solicited for sex on the Internet.

Recent Internet News
1. 13 year old killed by internet predator in Connecticut.
2. 15 year old kidnapped after internet chat.
3. Internet predator rapes 16 year old girl.
4. 13 year old Pennsylvania girl lured via internet.

Due to an ever-increasing trend in crimes, ways to solicit sex and other disturbing issues; more and more software is being developed, with the hopes of counteracting the negative outcomes of internet usage.

I Am Big Brother is software designed to:

Record more than anyone. I am Big Brother software has the ability to record BOTH SIDES of instant messages / chats and outgoing / incoming web emails, such as Hotmail or Yahoo; unlike many other programs. With this feature, parents can get a clear understanding of all communications transpiring between their children and individuals online.

Log all websites visited. Users are able to view a complete list of visited websites including the URL. Parents have the ability to view past and present sites visited by their children.

Capture screen shots for later viewing. By typing in certain keywords, I am Big Brother captures the entire screen and stores it for later viewing by the parent.

Log all text typed and programs run. All text typed and programs run is saved by I am Big Brother. This feature allows parents to find out exactly what your child is doing on the computer. In addition, parents can find out passwords specific to the user.

Offer free email-based Technical Support.

Run in total secrecy and is very hard to find. I am Big Brother will not slow your computer down. Neither, will it alert users by doing anything different while running. I am Big Brother does not appear in the ‘Start‘ menu or the CTR-ALT-DEL task manager. In order for parents to pull up recorded information, a secret password must be entered; making reports inaccessible to all others.

Record all MYSPACE.COM keystrokes. I am Big Brother is capable of monitoring private sites, as well.
At $29.95 (USD), it offers the best price for its features.

With I am Big Brother spy software 9.1, parents are able to discreetly monitor internet activity, while making every attempt to ensure their children are safe.

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