I Can Conquer the World with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda!

For example, in the bathroom, baking soda can be used as a great substitute for toothpaste. My grandmother actually preferred using Arm & Hammer baking soda to using commercially prepared toothpaste. She always had a bright beaming smile and she kept every tooth she ever had until she passed away.
Now that spring is here, so are the insects. Many have found the best way to relieve the itching of an insect bite is to make a paste of water and Arm & Hammer baking soda and rub it directly on the bite.
I’ve found that I don’t need to buy abrasive cleaners to clean my bathroom fixtures. A sprinkle of dry baking soda and a bit of scrubbing can be a terrific way to make my faucets gleam.
I have three cats and I’ve tried a lot of options for cutting down on litter box odor. I’ve found that the best solution is the simplest. I just sprinkle in some dry baking soda while changing the litter and the smells are minimized.
Some people prefer to use baking soda under their arms after they bathe. They have found that its a refreshing alternative to talcum powder. Others use dry baking soda during their bath as a skin softening exfoliator. It can be rubbed on the body to remove excess dead skin cells and revealing the new cells underneath, giving skin a softer feel and appearance.
In bedrooms, baking soda can stop the musty odors from developing in clothes hampers. It can also be an effective low cost method of deodorizing sneakers and shoes. If your family artist has left crayon marks on a bedroom wall, ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda can be an very effective way to undo a child’s “masterpiece”. Just put some on a damp sponge and and lightly rub the area, then wipe off with a dry cloth. You can also use the same technique to remove marks from painted furniture as well.
I think I can safely say that the only limit to the use of Arm & Hammer baking soda is a person’s imagination. I have found it’s versatility is almost limitless, whether I’m using it to keep frosted cakes moist, or as a weed killer in the yard.
I saved the only caveat to the end because it’s very important. Some urban legends say that it is beneficial to put baking soda in your kitchen or bathroom drain. However, doing so can cause clogged pipes, so NEVER EVER put any baking soda in your drain.