I Cannot Live Without My Toothbrush

When I was a wee tot in second grade, I remember hearing how important it was to take care of my teeth. Ok, I thought. My dad had nice teeth and so did my grandparents. One day my family was visiting my grandparents and I went into the bathroom. There I saw two glasses filled with water. Each class had teeth in it. “What’s going on?” I wondered. So, I went out to the living room and asked my dad about the mystery teeth. Here is the reply I received: “Those are your grandma and grandpa’s teeth. That is what happens to you when you don’t take care of your teeth. That’s why brushing your teeth is so important.” WOW!! From that day forwardâÂ?¦.I Cannot Live Without My Toothbrush.

My first dentist, our family dentist, loved kids and dentistry. He just relished in our brushing our teeth and using our toothbrush properly. He used to give us a new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste each visit. I do not remember the brand of toothbrush he started me on. Plus (if we did not have cavities), he gave us a choice of toys. I still remember the big box of cracker jack style rings. That was fun and rewarding. I used to tell him I could not live without my toothbrush. He used to smile so wide when he heard that. To this day, I hear him saying, “Take care of your teeth and they will take care of you.”
My first dentist, our family dentist, loved kids and dentistry. He just relished in our brushing our teeth and using our toothbrush properly. He used to give us a new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste each visit. I do not remember the brand of toothbrush he started me on. Plus (if we did not have cavities), he gave us a choice of toys. I still remember the big box of cracker jack style rings. That was fun and rewarding. I used to tell him I. He used to smile so wide when he heard that. To this day, I hear him saying, “Take care of your teeth and they will take care of you.”
My first dentist, our family dentist, loved kids and dentistry. He just relished in our brushing our teeth and using our toothbrush properly. He used to give us a new toothbrush and tube of toothpaste each visit. I do not remember the brand of toothbrush he started me on. Plus (if we did not have cavities), he gave us a choice of toys. I still remember the big box of cracker jack style rings. That was fun and rewarding. I used to tell him I. He used to smile so wide when he heard that. To this day, I hear him saying, “Take care of your teeth and they will take care of you.”

Throughout the years I have used a variety of toothbrushes. I started out using the Gum or Oral B brands mainly due to dentists giving them to me on visits. It is so exciting to have either of those brands go on sale, that I stock up. I cannot, and will not, be without (or live without) a toothbrush. I do not tolerate ‘squashed down’ bristles or overused toothbrushes. I replace toothbrushes about every three months. That is a recommendation I received from my dentist.

As the years have progressed, there have been many new manufacturers of toothbrushes. Prices are reasonable on many, with the quality being good. Bristle pressures can come in soft, medium, and hard. I have been told by numerous dentists that soft is the best for teeth and gums. This is something for all those who cannot live without their toothbrushes to know.

There is a cycle and madness to my toothbrush obsession. First thing in the morning after breakfast, I use my toothbrush. Up and down, sideways..gums, tongue�woohoo!! Then, if possible, I use my toothbrush after lunch. And, of course, I use it after dinnertime. That is a given. And, before bedtime, I brush my teeth for the final time. I also brush my teeth after sweets, if possible. If not, I rinse my mouth thoroughly. As can be seen, I cannot live without my toothbrush.

When traveling, I am certain to take my toothbrush and tube of toothpaste. Yes, even dental floss. My traveling toothbrush holder is clean and ready to go.

Hopefully, with all this good dental hygiene and respect for my teeth – they will stay in my mouth until the big dental chair in the sky calls me.
I know my tombstone will read, “May she rest in peace. She could not live without her toothbrush.”

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