Icy Weather Plagues West Texas in First Wintry Precipitation of the Season

In an extremely unusual occurrence, the west Texas oil city of Midland has experienced more than 48 hours of wintry weather, including precipitation, and the clouds continue to bring more in. A cold front that arrived in the wee hours of Friday morning began drizzling rain, sleet, and snow to create countless icicles from rooftops and coat cars and plants with ice. Though Midland Independent School District did not alter school schedules on Friday, additional time was given for students to arrive to campus at Midland High School to encourage safe, rather than hurried, driving.

Saturday saw more of the same, though only on Saturday evening did the real precipitation begin coming down, giving a true winter feel to the dreariness. On Sunday morning sidewalks, pavement, and virtually everything else was covered in a glaze of ice! This Midland High School teacher checked his school district e-mail to discover that, while school was still planned for Monday, district officials would be watching the weather and the ice to make final decisions.

The weather, fortunately, is expected to lift on Monday, reports The Weather Channel, bringing warmer temperatures and seeing some of the clouds depart.

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