Ideas for Extra Money: Dog Walking and Pet Photography

Now who do you know out there can’t use some extra money? With the economy being the way it is, gas prices are up, food prices going up, and just your day to day living expenses is costly, or if your like me wanting to save a few extra dollars toward retirement; taking a much needed vacation; you need the extra money.

All of us are born with an imagination, and many of us have a passion for something. I know a young lady who has a passion for animals. She just loves being around cats, and dogs. She just graduation out of high school and did not know what she
wanted to do, she was so undecided. So I told her, do what you have a passion for. So she thought about it, and with the encouragement of a teacher, and family, she is on her way to studing to be a veterinarian asstant. As a way of earning some side money, I researched different ways while earning her degree in becoming a Veterinarian Assistant, to turn her passion into a profit.

In life problems can come up that block that naturel flow of our creative side. We may express to our friends and family that we would like to turn our dreams into reality. People can give us negative signals, and instill their fears and insecurites. These
negative attitudes can squelch that dream, and often keep us from enjoying other things in lives as well.

When our creativity is blocked, our fresh ideas get lost and then our freedom gets lost. We start too feel self-conscious, afraid, and insecure. Then that negative word pops up, “I can’t, or I”m not good enough”. Let go of that word “I can’t” Replace it with a positive one, ‘I Can do this”. You do not know if you can’t do it, until you try. We all make mistakes, but mistakes are opportunities for us to learn from them, and then to improve upon them. Channel that fear into a challenge, and get out there and do it. Forget about your friends and family for a bit. If you have a strong passion just burining inside of you, take a break from family , friends and sit down, or take a walk. Connect with yourself, research your ideas. Today the internet, library has loads of information for you to research your ideas and passions. See how others have put their ideas and passions into reality.

Stop procrastinating. When we have these burning passions and ideas, just waiting to jump out of us. We sometimes begin a project and then we are unable to finish the project. There are some of us who have these wonderful ideas, and then we get lazy and don’t begin them either. That is the negative criticism coming out, you have to let that negative voice go and replace it with a positive one. No one is perfect, I am sure if you check around, to all the famous authors, artists, designers etc. they all made and learned from their mistakes. But they went on in spite of it, and succeeded.

Here are a few Low-cost part-time businesses you can do:

Dog Walking Service
A dog walking service is ideal for the person who has the time, patience and a love for dogs. This business can be started for less than $100. You can walk three or more dogs on a multi-lead dog walking collar and leashe. This is to help walk the dogs without the leash becoming tangled.There are various styles of multi-lead dog walking collars and leashes available in pet stores. This equipment will be essential to your business, it will reduce frustration and enable you to walk multiple dogs at the same time. The more dogs you walk, the more money you will make. Now to get clients for this service and to promote your business. You can design a flier that explains your dog walking service and qualifications. Distribute the fliers to businesses that are frequented by dog owners, such as groomers, kennels, pet stores, community animal shelters, and veterinarians. Once the word is out about your dog walking service, it shouldn’t take long to establish a clientele of 20 or 30 regular clients.

Pet Sitting
There are a lot of pet owners out there, and they love their pets. But they sometimes cannot afford the prices
at the pet boarding places, like pet hotels. Some people prefer their pets to be in familar surrounds, like their own homes.
This is where your services are needed. When pet owners need to be away from their home, they will call a pet sitter to come to their home and stay with their pet. To market your business, there are many pet grooming services, veterinarians, pet supply retailers, dog trainers, dog walkers. Many people also hire pet sitters for short period of times, for the day, over-night,or while they are on vacation. Sometimes emergencies arise and they will call on you too. So maintaining a schedule is important.

Pet Photography
First of all you need a camera, if you are a photographer or just have the passion for photography, this is a good part-time business. You can take picture out doors, or if you have the extra space in your home, or apartment you can have people bring their pets to these locations. Again to market your business, there are many pet grooming services, veterinarians, pet stores, dog trainers, and dog walkers. Getting your fliers out there, is a good way to market your business.

Event and Wedding Planner
If you have good organizational skills, love to decorate. This business maybe the business for you to share your creative ideas, whether it be for a wedding, or a birthday party, anniversay, office party or family reunion. Consulting with your client and finding out their likes and dislikes, but giving them what they want when they are sharing their ideas, you can make their dream event come true.

Now these are just a few of the part-time business you can do. So come on, get those creative jusice flowing. Think about the talents that you have, your uniqueness, your passion and go for it. You can make your crafts such as jewelry making, candle making, photography, put those artistic talents out there and just do it. Create flyers and brochures to advertise your business, tell your friends and family. Come on you all, lets get busy.

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