Ideas for Making a Washable Homemade Dog Bed

Dog beds are available in countless styles, sizes, and colors, but they are not all made alike. Cheaper styles do not often come with washing instructions, and after washing they end up taking on the shape of a lumpy pillow. Dog beds should be washable, or at least the covers should be washable. After all, dogs go outside on a daily basis, and they do not stay clean. The bed eventually begins smelling like a dirty dog, and if does not have a washable cover it might fall apart or become permanently misshapen in the washing machine.

Instead of taking a chance with a cheap dog bed that does not have a washable cover, and instead of buying a dog bed that is way overpriced, consider creating a homemade dog bed. A homemade dog bed with a washable cover is easy to care for and will last for months or even years, and the dog will rest comfortably on a homemade bed that smells fresh and clean. Best of all it will cost far less and will more than likely be way more comfortable than cheaper store-bought varieties.

Easy Homemade Pillow Bed

Pillows come in all price ranges, and they are generally far thicker and more comfy than the filling in an average dog bed. Instead of buying a dog bed with filling that will more than likely end up lumpy, especially if it is washed, choose two ordinary pillows of the same size. Two pillows of any size can be placed inside a homemade fleece cover that is completely washable. The pillows can be hand stitched together lengthwise if desired, or they can be placed inside the homemade washable pillowcase separately. Not considering the price of the homemade fleece cover, a homemade dog bed can cost as little as ten dollars. Why buy a dog bed when pillows can be used to create a homemade dog bed that costs far less?

Easy No-Sew Homemade Fleece Cover

Shop for fleece fabric online or at a local discount store and you will discover dozens of colors and patterns that are ideal for making a washable cover for a homemade dog bed. Shop for a ready-made dog bed and you will find a limited variety of colors and styles. A homemade dog bed is definitely the better option.

Measure the number of pillows it will take for a homemade dog bed according to the size of the dog, and buy enough fleece fabric to completely surround the pillows while providing eight-inches of extra fabric on each side. The extra fabric will allow enough room to accommodate the width of the pillows while allowing plenty or room to tie the washable cover together.

Begin by laying two equal pieces of fleece fabric together, right side out, and using sharp scissors, cut away a four-inch square from each corner. Pin the fabric together if necessary. Next, cut strips four-inches in length approximately two inches wide along each side of the fleece. Tie sturdy knots on three sides of the fleece to hold the homemade washable cover together. Place the pillows inside, and tie loose knots on the fourth side. This will allow for ease in untying the washable homemade dog bed cover when it comes time to toss it into the washing machine.

If your dog is likely to chew on the knotted ties, follow the same instructions for making the washable homemade fleece cover, but tie the knots with the right side of the fabric facing, and turn it right side out before stuffing the cover with pillows. This will leave one side with ties, but they are necessary for removing the washable cover when it becomes dirty. If necessary, apply bitter apple or a fabric-safe pet-safe deterrent to the ties that will discourage the dog from chewing them.

This washable homemade bed will last just as long as or longer than a more expensive store-bought bed. Your pampered pooch will feel warm and comfortable on the soft fleece and cozy pillows. Best of all, you will be able to remove the homemade cover and wash and dry it whenever necessary. When properly cared for and regularly cleaned, your dog’s bed will never again smell like a dirty doggy.

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