Ideas for Spring Cleaning Your Garage

Spring cleaning my garage is always a dreaded project. No matter how well I clean it the year before, disorder, dust and cobwebs return the following year. So last year I took more drastic measures. While spring cleaning my garage I also installed storage units that helped keep my garage cleaner and organized throughout the year. Here are some of my favorite ideas for spring cleaning my garage.
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Old Cabinets for Cleaning Supplies
After renovating my kitchen, I didn’t throw away my old cabinets. Instead I had them installed against the wall in my garage. As part of spring cleaning my garage, I arranged all my cleaning supplies inside the cabinets. And since the doors never seemed to stay closed, I used rubber bands to lock the handles together. This keeps dust out of my cabinets, making spring cleaning my garage a breeze.
Peg Board for Tools
When it came to spring cleaning the area where I store my tools, from hammers to saws and screw drivers, I was amazed at the amount of dirt and cobwebs that collected in the area. To thoroughly clean the spot, I bought a peg board and hooks at a home improvement store. I hung the board over a 2×4 frame, attached to my wall. Once I slipped the peg board hooks through the holes in the board, I could hang all my tools and keep them tidy once and for all.
Swag Hooks for Extension Cords
The low point of spring cleaning my garage came when I found a tangle of extension cords. Used for home projects and Christmas decorations, the cords are good to have but once they get tangled they’re a nightmare to sort out. I patiently untangled them all, wiped off the dirt and cobwebs, then rolled each extension cord separately. Finally, I drove swag hooks into the wall and hung each rolled cord separately.
Metal Shelf for Bulky Storage
I like to stock up on toilet paper and paper towels at my wholesale club, but when it came to spring cleaning my garage these bulky items really got in the way. For one thing, they were scattered all over my garage. For another, dirt, sawdust and cobwebs were collecting behind them. I, therefore, invested in three, cheap metal bookcases. Though not sturdy enough to hold heavy items, the shelves are perfect for storing bulky, light-weight items like my rolls of paper. This made spring cleaning my garage easy. It also made my garage far roomier.
Getting Rid of Pesky Dust & Cobwebs
After clearing the floor everywhere, spring cleaning my garage became easier. However, to get behind bulky, heavy items like my deep freezer, a stored mattress and a pile of lumber, I used my blow dryer. By blowing air into hard to reach corners, I could push the dirt out. Once in the open, I could sweep the dirt up easily. However, because blowing dust coats everything around it, I started my cleaning process with this step, then followed by wiping everything clean all around.
Spring cleaning my garage while organizing it at the same time has really brought order and cleanliness into the space. I can now find things easily, and it’s easy to keep my garage tidy.
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