If it Doesn’t Feel Right, It’s Not Right!

People. People. People. Trust your God given instincts. In most cases, if it don’t feel right, it ain’t right!
If he told you he works for NASA Space Center as a rocket scientist, but he still lives at home, and asks you to pay for dinner because he didn’t get a chance to PICK-UP his check this weekâÂ?¦..It’s not a duck.
If she’s wearing Prada shoes, a Gucci dress, and has several Dooney bags in her closet , but asks you to help her out with her light bill, car note, school clothes, etc. etc. etcâÂ?¦..It’s not a duck.
If he gives you his home phone number, (only to pacify you) but instructs you never call it, only use his cell phone, because he’s never at homeâÂ?¦..It’s not a duck.
If he says he attends church every Sunday and mid-week bible study, but he only knows one scripture, ‘If you make one step, God will make two’ or ‘A family that prays together, stays together’âÂ?¦âÂ?¦It’s not a duck.
If she has five children and seven ‘baby daddy’s’..âÂ?¦..It’s not a duck.
If he asks you to pick him up for the second time because his ‘brand new’ Navigator is still in the shop, and a worn and torn Metro bus schedule is sticking out of his back pocketâÂ?¦âÂ?¦It’s not a duck.
Personal testimony: If you call his job one day just to say ‘Hello’, and they respond by saying, sorry ma’am no one works here by that name, and when you confront him he says, (with great enthusiasm) Oh baby I’m sorry I forgot to tell you I got a new job yesterday. And girl, we about to BLOW UP!âÂ?¦âÂ?¦It’s not a duck.
Please know and understand a liar cannot be trusted. There are no little white lies, there’re all BIG BLACK and UGLY. You know when something just isn’t right. You feel it. Don’t ignore that feeling. It will keep you from getting your feelings hurt later on. Separate yourself from the situation, analyze it, compare it to your standards and expectations, then make a definite decision. Be sure to communicate that decision clearly, so there’s no room for ‘misunderstandings’. You may need to change your phone number. Call Pookie nem’. Move. Inform your family to remove him/her from the family reunion mailing list. And fellas, don’t be too embarrassed to file a ‘Restraining Order’. The Police are there to help.
Be safe. Be smart. Remember, if the duck can’t swim when you take it to the water, it’s not a duck at all. If it starts to sink and squeal, yep, it was a pig all along.