Immigration Debate:Why Now?

The Bush Administration and its lackeys in Congress have looked the other way when anyone tried to shine a light on illegal immigration for years. They have been more than content for their corporate sponsors to reap the rewards of cheap labor until the problem grew so large so that any real reform must allow for a new official worker class in America. They have held the door open until the room was too full to stop the party. They now pretend that they want to close the door. They want the labor, don’t be fooled. And they will tell you anything to get it. And in fashion far to typical with the far right, they want to demonize them at the same time.
In my opinion, they want to have the labor and a scapegoat people too. They have waited far too long to begin to wean us off of oil that has more than likely passed its peak. They know that there is a “hard fall” coming as the economy takes a big oil hit. They want to insulate themselves and their cronies. And they also want a group to push the blame to. it’s just one more example showing anyone paying attention that the American government is trending toward a bad path. Corporate Fascism needs internal enemies as well as external ones.
And don’t forget the distraction. This criminal Administration needs to fire up it’s nutcase base. That means they will tell us the most pressing issues facing the country over the next few months will be gay marriage, flag burning, and scaring us with brown people. Let’s be smarter than that, America. Don’t let them manipulate you. Do what they fear most, hold them accountable for all that has happened under their watch. We are at a critical point in American history. We still have the ability to stop the corporate fascist takeover of America, but not for much longer. Act now, and demand true leadership!