Impeachment of President Bush: Movement is Afoot

Enough evidence has been supplied by members of Bush’s own staff to firmly establish that he was planning to invade Iraq even before he was elected President by the Supreme Court. Since taking the opportunity of 9/11 to gain support for his plan to finish the job his father refused to finish, Bush’s web of lies have grown from the sad such as his statement above to the criminal. American citizens have been spied on since before 9/11 without court approval. If only Bush would get oral sex from an intern in the Oval Office, we’d have enough to impeach him. But, of course, that’s unlikely to happen. I seriously doubt that even his own wife would consider doing that to him, much less any other woman who can see or hear.
Of course, if we didn’t have a GOP controlled Congress, we wouldn’t need sex in the Oval Office to impeach Bush. There has been enough evidence that he has failed to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States for several years now, but we all know that the GOP leaders on the hill don’t possess one iota of interest in putting their (party) leader on trial.
And so it comes down to us. We have to stand up and demand equal rights. We have to demand that people like Lindsey Graham, Tom DeLay and all the other Congressmen who vilified Bill Clinton for lying about his sex life should also show the same kind of outrage at lies that have cost the lives of over 2,000 American servicemen. Nobody died when Clinton lied about Monica Lewinsky. How many more must die because Bush lied about WMDs before Congress gets equally outraged? Hell, more of a fuss was raised by these guys when Janet Jackson’s breast flashed for two seconds during the Super Bowl halftime show than has been raised about any of the deeply troubling revelations that have come to light about Bush. Where was the GOP Congress when it was discovered that there weren’t any WMDs in Iraq? Where was the GOP Congress when it was discovered that the company that Vice President Cheney left to join the ticket had been awarded rebuilding contracts in Iraq without facing any competition? Where is the GOP Congress when it was discovered that Bush lied to not only us, but them too about illegal spying? Where were they? Probably watching Janet Jackson over and over again on their Tivos.
You won’t find information about just how deeply and corruptly Bush & Co. lied in order to get us into this war by watching television news. Fox News is, of course, nothing but a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, but even CNN and MSNBC and ABC, NBC and CBS are afraid to ask tough questions. They have been so busy chasing after Scott Peterson’s blond bimbo girlfriend and the Runaway Bride and Natalee Holloway’s missing corpse that they’ve allowed Bush the freest ride any President has ever gotten.
An impeachment movement is afoot, however, to bring to light all the notorious underhanded and devious methods by which Bush ensured that this war would be approved by the US citizenry. And with each little wispy piece of evidence, more and more of us are demanding impeachment. It’s only right and only fair that this Congress extend the same courtesy to the American people under Bush that it did under Clinton. The courtesy to finding out the truth. Yes, I know, the GOP is about as interested in uncovering the truth about Bush and Iraq as they were about Reagan and Iran/Contra and Nixon and Watergate. There’s a big difference this time, however.
This time the Democrats aren’t in control, so we may never know the truth like we did with Watergate and like we almost did with Iran/Contra.
If you are one of those people who cried out the loudest for honesty and truth when Clinton was lying about Lewinsky, then where are you now? Do you honestly believe that every single piece of intelligence presented to Bush showed massive amounts of WMDs? If you believe that the CIA was so incredibly inept and incompetent back then, then why do you believe that they have good enough intelligence to warrant Bush’s secret spying program now? Perhaps all this secret spying that is so necessary to protecting our nation’s security is based on even more sub par intelligence.
Or, perhaps, the CIA was right on target all along and Bush simply picked and chose what parts he wanted to believe and what parts he didn’t. If so, then every word out of his mouth is just as much a lie as “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” There’s only one way to know. Put him on trial and if he’s innocent, believe me when I say he’ll get off. Heck, he’ll probably get off even though he’s obviously guilty. There are enough Republicans in the Senate to make sure of that.
The impeachment movement is afoot, as I said, and it’s growing stronger every day. If you are concerned about the direction this President has been taking this country, if you are concerned about the frightening scaling back of basic civil liberties unseen in this country since the Civil War, then get involved. There are several very good web sites where you can find amazing documentation of all the impeachable offenses and just plain lies perpetrated by this President and his henchmen., or, is the first place to go. There you can sign a referendum calling for impeachment. But you can also find a whole host of resources, including a list of articles of impeachment drawn up by Gen. Ramsey Clark. In addition, you can find links to all kinds of interesting and effective impeachment-related advertising means such as shirts and signs.
Impeachbush.Tv is another terrific site, a real must-see. It’s filled with editorials and information on why Bush should be impeached as well as what we can all do to facilitate this necessary action.
AfterDowningStreet.Org is really the place to go if you are wondering what all the fuss is about. This site features an amazing collection of incriminating documents that not only prove Bush has consistently lied about the war in Iraq, but that came into office fully intent on finding an excuse to invade. Of course, this should be obvious to anyone since Bush leapt at the chance 9/11 offered to justify the invasion despite the fact that there was never any connection between 9/11 and Iraq or Al-Qaeda and Iraq or Osama and Iraq. He may as well have justified the invasion of Iraq based on a connection between Hurricane Katrina and Saddam Hussein since the connection is just as tenuous as the one between Saddam and 9/11. Of course, lying and omitting information and the American public’s general misinformed view that all Middle East countries must believe the same way (just like all European countries believe the same way), made it very easy for him to sell his psychotic justification.
The impeachment movement is afoot and it’s gaining ground. Yes, there is the huge, thick wall in front of it known as the Do-Nothing-GOP-Congress, but this is an election year and even if the fear of losing control isn’t enough to stir them to action, perhaps by next November they actually won’t be in power anymore.
Impeachment isn’t a hopeless cause, no matter how much the GOP tries to ignore the elephant in the room. Visit these web sites and get information and then write your Representative and your Senator and demand that they get as outraged over lying about a war that has killed thousands as they were about lies regarding a man’s private sex life.