Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer

Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer #1: Pressure Wash
A good cleaning will greatly improve the curb appeal of your home. This summer, visit your local Walmart and buy a pressure washer that is powerful enough to clean your home. But, skip the special cleaners that are sold at Walmart and make you own solution using bleach and water. On the day you pressure wash your home, be sure to wear old clothes, because you will get bleach on you. You can always hire someone to do this for you, but it will cost as much as a new pressure washer, so you might as well do it yourself.
Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer #2: Paint
Whether the paint on your home is peeling or just outdated, a paint job will improve the curb appeal of your home. While you may be tempted to choose a bold color, try and keep your choice down to earth. Even if you plan on keeping your home forever, a bold color choice will only cause your neighbors to complain until you repaint your home.
Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer #3: Create Flower Beds
Flowers beds improve the curb appeal of your home by adding color. This summer take the time to create flower beds outside your home. A flower bed on either side of your front entrance filled with pansies is simply gorgeous. You can either choose one color or mix two to three colors together.
Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer #4: Create a Walkway
A walkway adds to the curb appeal of your home while being functional. Walking through a muddy yard with several bags of groceries is never fun and its even less fun when you have soggy shoes. You can either buying stepping stones or you can create your own with kits available at your local hardware store.
Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer #5: Plant Shrubbery
Shrubbery will improve the curb appeal of your home, while providing you and your family with privacy. Instead of putting flowers in your flowers beds, why not place bushes in there? You could then surround the bushes with small rocks and solar lighting. This is a beautiful touch that also allows you to easily find your porch in the dark.
Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer #6: Add Solar Lighting
Solar lighting is a way to add protection to your home, while improving the curb appeal of your home as well. Homes that have solar lighting are less likely to be robbed. Why? Robbers do not want to be seen and solar lighting will make it very easy for people to see someone sneaking around your home. Solar lighting that is triggered by movement is only useful if your neighborhood is free from wondering animals. If your solar lights are always being tripped by animals, your neighbors will never pay attention when they come on.
Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer #7: Buy a New Door
A new door can greatly improve the curb appeal of your home. Also a new door is completely customizable if you shop at Lowe’s. Lowe’s allows you to pick the color, style, metal, etc. so that your door is truly unique.
Improve the Curb Appeal of Your Home This Summer #8: Redo the Driveway
Whether your driveway is gravel or asphalt, you can still improve the curb appeal of your home this summer. If your driveway is gravel, the obvious solution is to have your driveway paved. If your driveway is already paved, you may want to add flowers along the sides of it as a way to brighten the path to your home.