Improved Longevity with Improved Bone Mass

Studies into aging have shown improved bone mass index will improve longevity. With Americans seeking the most efficient method for ensuring bone health, improving bone mass index may be the key to prevent injury, improve vitality and, therefore, increase life expectancy for baby boomers.
Improving bone and muscle mass index is a lifelong project many baby boomers overlooked a decade ago. With significant increases mortality rates, as a growing number of deaths are attributed to bone fractures, and bone breaks later in life, the key to longevity may be to improve the bone and muscle mass index so as to ensure an appropriate gait and bone strength later in life.
In our senior adult years, bone density and muscle mass begin to wither. As a result, the potential for falls, due to unstable gait, are significant. In many senior adults, the incidence of these injuries, such as hip fractures, will lead to decreased longevity with almost one-third of hip fracture patients dying within one year of the injury.
To ensure proper bone density and mass, a diet full of calcium is highly recommended. While most adults do not consume the required amount of calcium through dairy products due to lactose intolerance, the calcium addition to the diet can be achieved through the use of protein. In fact consumption of one gram of protein will net 1.5 milligrams of calcium into the body. As a result, the body is receiving not only the necessary protein for bone health but also the needed calcium levels. Additionally, to maintain optimal bone health, calcium levels should never fall below 400 milligrams per day. Drinking milk, consuming dairy products and consuming protein in eggs and lean meats will ensure this level of protein and calcium are appropriate for optimal health into our senior adult years.
In addition to increased calcium through dietary modifications, bone density can be maintained through the proper exercise programs including weight bearing exercise, at least, three times a week. The natural response of the bone, to exercise, is an increase in bone density which prevents against sports related injuries. As a result, a moderate exercise program, in addition to dietary modifications, will only further enhance the promotion of bone density levels, thereby increasing longevity.With
With modern technology, the life expectancy of baby boomers is at an all time high. With appropriate dietary changes, including calcium and protein, coupled with the appropriate exercise levels, baby boomers will ensure a more significant increase in longevity and quality of life.