Improving the Quality of Job Interviewing in Hiring Situations

It is extremely important for organizations to maintain a high level of quality of interviewing so that their method of interviews provide valid information. One way for a company to improve the quality of interviewing is by first reviewing the job description for the opening and acknowledging the qualifications to look for in a successful employee, then to identify behaviors and values necessary for the candidate who will be ultimately chosen (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2007, p.197). The next appropriate action to take to ensure a quality interview is to prepare the questions and plan the interview out thoroughly. A good thing to do is to make sure there is a quiet room for the interview which will allow total privacy for the interviewer and potential employee. The interview should be comfortable for everyone involved and focusing only on the job in question and the company. A very important factor of a valid and successful interview is to have a qualified and experienced interviewer who knows how to ask objective questions and how to ignore his or her biases to provide a fair interview for each candidate (Noe et al., 2007, p.196).

After reviewing the job description and providing a qualified interviewer and quiet interviewing room, there are still more steps to take to make sure you can give the best interview with valid results. Questions should be prepared before the interview is given and it is best to decide prior to the interview how the answers will be scored. This list of questions needs to be used during the interview. The list should have enough room to record each response given by the candidate. A good idea is that the interviewer have a copy of the candidates application and resume with him or her at the interview so that he or she can refer to while interviewing the potential employee. It is important that the interviewer read these documents before the interview so that they will be prepared and it is essential to ask questions which pertain to what is on their resume (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2007, p.196). It is important that the prepared questions are legal, and if it is necessary, get legal advice (Noe et al., 2007, p.197).

Taking notes is a crucial part of an interview so they can be referred to later if needed. Take notes on a person’s behavior and their responses but not on personal judgment of them (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2007, p.197). This is another way to ensure validity of the results of interviews and the quality of them.

In my last experience of being hired for a job, some of these tips on quality of interviewing were definitely not taken. First of all, I was interviewed in a Subway inside of a Super Wal-Mart while I was being interviewed for a photography job for a photoraphy job. The restaurant was completely full and there was no privacy at all. It was kind of hard to hear my district manager who interviewed me, and I have to admit it felt a bit strange answering such important questions in front of a crowd, although I doubt anyone was paying attention. I definitely did not receive the benefit of a private room for my job interview. However, I was interviewed by an experienced interviewer and she did ask most of her questions from a list, which she scored right in front of me. I don’t know how professional that was, but I did well and I was happy to be able to see the results right in front of me.

From what I remember, there were some situational interviewing technique questions (Noe et al., 2007, p.194) , in which she would describe a situation and then asked me what I would do in such a situation. She said, “Okay, a customer is yelling at you about how bad the pictures are as you are taking them. No matter what you do the customer seems unsatisfied. They just keep saying how bad a job you’re doing and keep raising their voice and making a scene. What do you do?” I just remember explaining to the interviewer that I would stop everything and ask the customer what I could do to make the pictures better and if there was a certain thing they didn’t like about the pictures. She liked the answer and I was relieved. She asked questions about traveling if necessary occasionally, and I said I would be willing to travel. She asked if I would be willing to relocate if I was ever asked to, and I said yes because I honestly love moving and new places and people. The only other thing that really sticks out in my mind is that the interviewer asked me if I had ever sold anything. I said that I had sold tanning sessions and lotion when I worked at a tanning salon years ago. She put her soda bottle in front of me and said, “This is a bottle of tanning lotion. Sell it to me.” That really threw me for a loop because I wasn’t expecting it, but I went for it anyway right in the middle of thirty or so people having lunch, and I nailed it. She hired me that day, and it was my dream job so I am really proud that I did so well in that interview.

I do think that appropriate questions were asked, although not in the appropriate environment. The only other questions that may help in hiring the most-prepared person for a photography job is maybe asking them some technical questions which I was not asked. I think it is important to know if a person has any photography skills or computer skills, and if not, have they been trained before to use any other type of equipment. It is important to find out if a person has the ability to be trained in such a field. Some people catch on a lot quicker than others.

Interviewing can easily be done right to provide valid results. All you need is an experienced interviewer who is well-prepared, a private interview area, and a good idea of what the company is looking for in filling a certain job position. These are the essentials needed for an organization to improve the quality of interviewing in order to provide valid results.


Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2007) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (2nd ed., chap. 6 ). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, P.196, p.197, p.194

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