Increase Your Party Plan Sales: Throw Theme Parties!

When it comes to working at home, one of the ways that people do most is using a party plan system. But as a lot of party plan representatives know, getting people to schedule the parties and to buy your items can be difficult sometimes, especially in smaller towns. But there’s a secret to boosting your business: throw theme parties! You might think that your products sell themselves. That might be true, but you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the increase in business that these theme parties will help you with!

Gourmet foods especially leave themselves open for theme parties. If you’re part of a gourmet food party plan, you have so many options available to help boost your business. People need to eat – you want them to eat what you’re offering! Tasting parties work, but cooking parties are the best way to get your business. Around Valentine’s Day, consider couples’ cooking parties displaying your company’s delicious desserts, or a men only party teaching men how to cook incredible treats for their sweetie.

If your company is proud of their desserts and teas, consider a Mother/Daughter tea and dessert party. Cookie exchanges using only your company’s cookie mixes are also great and can work not only for cookies, but any of your desserts.

Want to get more men after your products? Men-only cooking parties, especially summer grilling or football snack fare really catch some attention. Wives and girlfriends will especially enjoy the last one, as it lets the boys make their own food for their football viewing parties! Parties with sports themes are sure to attract men of all ages and what better way to turn people on to your company’s fantastic snacks than a football viewing party!

Many offices allow employees the opportunity to promote their party plans and depending on the employer, will set up time to allow employees to promote in a party atmosphere – perhaps after a meeting or in-service. Often, you’ll notice that other employees will be willing to help with school fundraisers for your children. However, the cost of some of these items can make people less likely to purchase items and they would be even less likely to purchase these items from a party plan. One of the best ways to get around this is offer a ‘special promotion’ for your fellow employees. Find a wide selection of the most inexpensive items in your collection and present them as cheap and easy gift or treat items. The closer you are to payday with this, the more likely you are to get customers. You might think it sounds a little sneaky, but it works.

There are so many options for party plan reps to make sales. From newlyweds to new parents, from college freshman to college graduates, and everyone in between! The trick is to know what kind of party will interest your customers most. A happy customer will make you and your bank account very happy!

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