Increase the Odds of Conception by Staying Healthy

Staying healthy is a big part of life in general and does have a role in helping conception. Grant it may not be that simple for some, but it has worked in more cases then a few. Eating right is important whether you are trying to conceive or not. A woman’s diet before conception can have a lot to do with her body being able to fill the demands of being pregnant. Eat a well balanced diet with the right amounts of protein, fruits, veggies, and whole grains (watching your intake on fats and sweets). Studies have shown that men who have a zinc shortage may have a lower sperm count. Foods like lean meat eggs, and whole grains can help with that. Watch the caffeine intake also; this can be difficult for most. Most people need that morning rush to get started. It is also good for both of you to take a daily vitamin. Applying all or even some of these can increase your odds of conception.
If you do not already, start a regular exercise routine. Being overweight, as well as underweight, can hurt the chances of conception. With my personal experiences, I had been on a diet both times I conceived. I had lost 20-40 pounds both times. On the funny side, I thought to myself no more dieting. A walk a day can go a long way and do it together. Make sure and consult your doctor, and ask for help getting started. For the most part, the better shape you are in will make for an easier pregnancy.
Stress plays a part in everyone’s life and can put a delay in conception. Stress can effect the woman’s cycle. From our jobs, bills, and from trying to conceive can make everyday seem like a chore. Find someone to talk to if things seem to be getting overbearing. Always take a time out if things are getting out of control. Take the time to relax and unwind by going for a walk, finding a quiet place, or just slip your headphones on and listen to your favorite music.
Most importantly, for your over all well being as well as increasing the odds of conception, stay away from smoking, drugs, and alcohol. Links have been found that smoking, drinking, and drugs can decrease sperm count in some men. Studies have also shown that even second hand smoke can hurt your chances of conceiving. Smoking can change the cervical mucus, which can make it harder for the sperm to travel. Smoking, drinking, and drugs can also affect the woman’s eggs. It is a good idea to kick all the bad habits before trying to start a family.
Granted there are many factors that contribute to increasing the odds of conception. Staying healthy is a good idea whether you are trying to conceive or not. It will definitely play a role in a better pregnancy once you do conceive. Look at your everyday life and see where these changes can come into play. Overall, it will help you feel better about yourself.