Indianapolis’ World Class Children’s Museum Among the Corn Stalks

Who would have thought that in the middle of all the cornfields of Indiana lays a treasure trove of cultural activity? I know that I was certainly surprised to find among the many treats for the family a children’s museum to rival any I have seen elsewhere. While it is called The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, I saw many people of all shapes, ages, and nationalities, and not all of them had children with them. If you are local to the Indianapolis area, I seriously recommend investing in one of the membership options. Not only do you get advance knowledge of new exhibits (they do change quite regularly), but you get a chance to take your time and enjoy each visit rather than rushing through and missing a good deal because you are afraid of missing something. We’ve been several times and find something new, each and every visit. Also, and most importantly according to my children, you get free carousel rides if you are a member.

Among the many special features of the museum are a planetarium, which has several shows daily, Lilly Theater, which features different shows throughout the year, Playscape, an area designed especially for smaller children to have a ‘hands on’ experience, the carousel (of course), and an actual train engine. Not to mention many, many other features. Opportunities abound for learning and playing, one does not always exclude the other. My children never get bored, neither do we for that matter.

For the “grown-ups” or bigger kids, there are many activities to do as well. There is a really neat Clock tower in the lobby that amazes kids of all sizes and ages. There is a food court that offers fast food, deli fare, and plate lunches, not to mention the required cookies and ice cream. Once you are finished with the kiddy areas you can mosey on to the special exhibits area and see whata’s new.

The Dinosphere is also delightful to children of all ages. Even the grandparents enjoyed this walk through the past. It is a sight and sound immersion experience (a word of caution there are times when there is a thunderstorm type experience that may be frightening to young children who are sensitive to flashing lights or loud noises).

If you happen to be in the Indianapolis, IN area, I highly encourage you to take the time to visit The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. You can visit them on the web at It is well worth the time and the admission price. Perhaps we’ll bump into each other there.

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