Inexpensive Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids

Popular costumes of the year often follow the trends of popular movies. This year pirate customs will probably be popular and easy to put together. With a bandana, eye patch, and some old ripped pants and white T-shirt your little one will be ship ready. Of course, if you don’t object a toy sword will make the custom all the more fun for your little pirate.
Favorite hobbies of your kids are also safe and easy choices. If your little one is a dancer, football player, cheerleader, these all lend themselves to easy, ready made costumes. My little guy for instance is in karate, while he can wear some of his karate gear we could also add some makeup or accessories to make it a bit more special for trick or treating in.
An example of other ways in which a Halloween costume can serve multiple purposes is, last year my son really wanted a pair of cowboy boots. So, we decided to let him get them and had him go as a cowboy for trick or treating. By the way, he wore those boots until he outgrew them, so it was money well spent.
Girls, often want to be fairy princesses. If you don’t want to go the Disney route simply let your girl dawn her favorite dress and add some fun dress up accessories and perhaps makeup. Animals seem to be another favorite with little girls, such as cats. A cat custom can be made fairly simply with a black sweat pants outfit, homemade tail and headband ears and a pink nose with some black whiskers.
What do you want to be when you grown up? Career options such as police man, nurse, doctor, firefighters, soldiers, are perennial favorites and a fun way to allow your little one to “try on” a career.
You can take a tour down the costume aisle of a department store, party store, or specialty Halloween shop for many more ideas. If you are really low on cash or want to allow your child to express his or her creativity have them make their own costume from items around the house, such as brown paper bags, garbage bags, old sheets, paper plate masks, etc.
Don’t forget yourself when it is time to dress for Halloween have some fun and let Halloween be a true family tradition.