Infinity Dance in Brigham City, Utah

Infinity Dance offers:
Open Tap: A class especially designed for developing timing and rhythm in a dancer. It also helps to improve footwork and musicality. Two forms are taught from the Al Gilberts discipline: the barre’ and center floor techniques.
Session Dates:
September 12-May 12
Day & Time:
Wednesday 7:00-8:00 pm
Ballet: A complete ballet program for all levels is offered. Teachers focus mainly on the Cecchetti and Russian methods. Instruction is excellent.
Session Dates:
September 12-May 12
Class Times:
Ballet 1(12+ years old) Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm
Ballet 2(9-11 years old) Thursdays 4:30 -5:00pm
$20 annual registration fee or $35 per family.
Ballet 1- $30.00 per month
Ballet 2- $20.00 per month
Hip-Hop: For all ages, in this class one may expect to learn the modern and popular routines, known as funk or street dancing, which are used in today’s music videos.
Session Dates:
September 12-May 12
Class Times:
Hip-Hop Thursdays 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Hip-Hop(advanced) Thursdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm (Advanced is also a drop-in class)
$20 annual registration fee or $35 per family
Hip-Hop $30 per month
Hip-Hop Advanced: Drop-in for $5.00 per class or $30 per month
Creative Movement: Designed for younger kids who are just starting to get into dancing. It teaches the very basics for dance in a creative and fun way. Keeping the kids interested and always learning. All forms of dance are introduced in this class.
Session Dates:
September 12 – May 12th, 2005
Class Times:
Wednesday 2:15-3:00pm
$20 annual registration fee or $35 per family
Class Tuition: $26.00 per month
Jazz/Tap: These classes are for 5 – 8 year old kids who have a desire to learn jazz and tap dancing styles. You wont find a better class to develop rhythm and musicality than this. Students will participate in the year-end recital in order to showcase what they have learned.
Session Dates:
September 12-May 12
Classes and Times:
5 & 6 year olds Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm
7 & 8 year olds Tuesday 6:00 – 7:00 pm
$20 annual registration fee or $35 per family.
Jazz/Tap Tuition: $30.00 per month
Dance Teams: There are two dance teams offered at Dance Infinity. One is aimed at younger kids just starting to get involved in the dance competition arena. The other is for those that already have a base in dance competition and are ready to move into serious competitions.
Team 1: This is a lyrical and jazz routine for ages 12 and up. This class will attend at least one competition. And a recital will be held at the end of the session to showcase what the students have learned.
Team 2: This is a lyrical, jazz, and tap routine for ages 9 – 11. This class may attend one competition. A recital will be held to showcase what the students have learned.
Session Dates:
September 12-May 12
Class Times:
Team 1 Tuesday(Lyrical) 5:00-6:00pm
Wednesday(Jazz) 5:00-6:00pm
Team 2 Tuesday(Jazz) 4:00-5:00 pm
Wednesday(Lyrical) 6:00-7:00pm
Infinity Dance is without doubt your best option if you are looking for dancing opportunities. Nowhere in Northern Utah will you find a more professional Dance Studio with a wider variety of dance class options. For more information or if you have any questions regarding Dance Infinity contact dance director Chelsea Christensen at the information provided below.
Dance Director: Chelsea Christensen
753-7500 ext. 27