Information About The Chocolate Chip Starfish

The Chocolate Chip Starfish is a sandy or tan shade of brown like cookie dough, and has a thick body with five thick arms. Just like many other starfishes, they have rows of tube-like feet that are located in the grooves beneath each arm. On the dorsal surface, as stated above, there are darker shaded bumps that look like chocolate colored; on the underside of the starfish is the mouth but it lacks any teeth.
The Chocolate Chip Starfish may be just the perfect pet for you if you like tank pets; however, they are not considered to be reef safe because they will often eat the corals, clams, and oysters. In short, it is important to be able to balance out what you have in your tank because it may be gone at the end of the day. On the other hand, some of the larger aggressive fish and crustaceans may harass this starfish as well. While it may not work well with other tank mates, they are a hardy pet to have. They can be fed meaty diets like shrimps, fishes and clams although that s generally never necessary, and may contribute to poor water quality. The Chocolate Chip Starfish are also great cleaners for tanks, and can usually find enough food in the aquariums that they are kept in so you do not have to worry about their diet or feeding them.
They are, however, sensitive to poor water quality. Changes in its behavior or appearance can sometimes indicate that there is a problem within your tank that is causing them grief. Some examples of changes in behavior may be a slowed movement or perhaps even refusal of food. It is significant to be observant of their actions and their reactions in order to be able to guess on how they are feeling, and be able to act when something is bothering them.
All in all, the Chocolate Chip Starfish is a hardy tank pet, and may be something you want to consider having yourself. Their delicate and adorable appearance already gives them high scores!