Information About the Legal Changes that Have Recently Been Made to the Immigration Law!

There are several new things that you will need to know about immigration law. This is especially true because of developments that have been going on for the past several years. The federal law is what is determines the legal rights and obligations of immigrants in the United States. The entire purpose of immigration law is to protect the borders from being flooded with illegal immigrants. Although there still are many things that have to be done to protect our borders it is important that everyone be aware of the current immigration law. It seems that every year there are some changes made, whether they are major or minor.

When it comes to the individual states they are some what limited to what authority they can take regarding immigration law. Congress is the ones who have the complete authority over the policies and regulations regarding the immigration law. There are now even tougher criminal sanctions for employers who even attempt to hire any illegal aliens. If you own a business and hire any illegal immigrants it can end up costing you’re your business. The first thing that any immigrant needs to do is get a visa. You need to be aware that there are actually two types of visas that you can obtain, immigrant and nonimmigrant. Nonimmigrant visas are only issued to people who will be in the country on a temporary basis. As you probably are aware Immigrant visas allow you to stay in the United States on more of a permanent basis. Although you will eventually need to apply for full citizenship.

One thing that many people do not seem to know about immigration law is that they actually limit how many immigrants are allowed to enter the county in one year. Even though this number is a high one, you would be surprised to know that they do actually meet these criteria’s on a regular basis. If you have a business then you will have make sure that you know the immigration law. This way you will not be discriminating against anyone. For example if you choose not to hire a certain group of people just because you think it may not be legal to hire them you could be discriminating against them. You owe it to all of your potential employers to make sure that they are each given a fair opportunity. The bottom line is to make sure that you do plenty of research. Visit your local government and find out the immigration laws that apply to your state. For additional information you can visit the following websites:,,,

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