Information on Physical Fitness for Those with Limited Fitness

Carmen Electra was on the cover of the Men’s Fitness magazine I started reading at the newstand, and the illustrations inside were of regular guys, unlike the other magazines where the body builders pictured were really enormous. They have really extreme covers also, so you wouldn’t want to leave them out when mom comes to visit. I’m always interested in what new actresses are doing in the way of conditioning and toning and Carmen Electra is nicely buffed.

The magazine is priced right too, $3.99 in the United States, $4.99 Canada. Men’s Fitness subheading is Exercise > Health + Nutrition + Sex, The cover blurbs are Build Muscle (In 2 Weeks)- Cut Fat (In Days)-Rip Your Abs(Asap!) + A Guys’s Guide to Fast Muscle.

The magazine is divided into topical sections: Fitness+Nutrition details the connection between diet and gaining muscle weight and losing excess (fat) weight. If you spent first period health class sleeping or at the local burger emporium this Men’s Fitness monthly article will educate you on fitness eating.

The number one source of protein is Salmon, with only 121 calories per 3oz. serving. The number one fruit is blueberries, at 41 calories a half cup. The best cereal is oatmeal, 148 calories a half cup. The number one vegetable is tomatos, loaded with vitiamin C and 83 calories a whole cup. Of course we a lot more than that, one double cheeseburger is 750 calories, on average. The trick is eating enough to feel sastified and at the same time have enough energy to go through your exercise program and lose ugly fat and gain muscle, everybody is different; Men’s Fitness can give you continuing guidence.

Food is probably the major concern for someone just starting an exercise program. This section also gives examples of meals you (or your Mom) can put together with a minium of experience cooking, this feature is called Meal of the Month. I remember driving past every burgertacoteria in my neighborhood one night and couldn’t decide what to buy to eat (I had been to each place many, many times) so I stopped at a Ralph’s market and bought some basic stuff (and a bottle of Heinz Ketchup-a must!) and have been using the ideas from the magazine to prepare meals instead of just filling up on a lot of calories from fat.

Of course the magazine advertises supplements. That’s where the money comes from to keep the subscription price so low for a really well-designed magazine. I’m going to mention some of the advertisers names so you can get an idea of what this area of the nutritional industry is doing, this is far beyond taking one vitamin a day. I’m not recommending any particular product, this is for informational purposes only. Muscle Tech , Six Star Body Fuel “Advanced Whey , EAS Of course, there are many products of this type available, do some research before you stockup.

All the advertisers in this publication are top tier: Style+Grooming has Black-Kenneth Cole, The Fragrance for Him so you will good as well as look good after your workouts and Nivea for Men Lotion to smooth things along, but not too smooth. Perry Ellis Portfolio for wear under your Arrow Shirts and Timberland boots, which are easily purchased over the Inet.
You can wear your boots out in the country after reading the Sports+Outdoorsection of Men’s Fitness. After you subscribe you will know what exercise routines you will need months ahead of the change in the weather. Snowboarding for example, requires exercises that will increase your agility and help you avoid injury. The seasonal equipment articles will also inform you on the latest safety practices as the editors are in contact with the topline manufacturers.

There is the Ultimate Babe section where there are pictured tastefully swimsuited actresses, models, singers and dancers. If your girfriend (or Mom) objects to this you can carefully cut them out and mail them to me.

The Key to any exercise program is doing it on a schedule. Even the most highly-motivated of us slip and backslide into eating a whole large pizza and a half-a-gallon of icecream, Men’s Fitness read on a regular basis will provide you with the information and inspiration to progress to being as fit as you can be.

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