Inspirational Places to Look for Home Remodel Ideas

The top home remodel magazines
Several magazines come to mind when I try to come up with some of the best home remodel journals. This Old House is one of the top resources for remodeling ideas and information. Not only will you find design and decorating inspiration here, but you will also learn some valuable information homeowners might use. Better Homes and Gardens is another good source of inspiration and information.
The top home remodel websites & blogs
Both This Old House and Better Homes and Gardens have websites that you can visit for home remodeling inspiration. Today, most magazines have websites or can be read online. is another website that has plentiful, up-to-date information and home improvement ideas. For a list of the top 25 remodeling blogs, visit this website.
Home improvement television shows
While home improvement television shows are not always realistic–you have to factor in the contractor’s/architect’s/designer’s fees–they are a great place to start looking for design and style ideas. HGTV is where you will find home improvement shows running all day long. As you are watching, jot down any ideas you like or questions you might have for your hired professional regarding your own home.
Home shows or a “parade of homes”
If you want to visit one place to learn about all the local vendors, go to a home show. You will be able to see life-size displays, talk to vendors and bring home information to go over with your spouse. Another idea: find out if there is a Parade of Homes in your area, and when. This is a great way to look at recently-remodeled homes and see the work local contractors have done.
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