Inspired by Samuel Blankson Books on Destroying Debt and Financial Freedom

I was roaming around, one of my favorite places to browse for new authors when I stumbled upon Samuel Blankson. Books, books, books; they just kept scrolling down my screen. There were more than twenty! And more than that, there were songs and calendars when the books finally stopped.
Of course, I needed to investigate a little further before deciding if this would be my bona fide inspirational story of the day. So I took a look at the list. Here, I’ll give you a look too:
*How To Destroy Your Debts
* The Practical Guide To Total Financial Freedom: Volume 1
* The Practical Guide To Total Financial Freedom: Volume 2
* The Practical Guide To Total Financial Freedom: Volume 3
* The Practical Guide To Total Financial Freedom: Volume 4
* The Practical Guide To Total Financial Freedom: Volume 5
* Living The Ultimate Truth, 2nd Edition
* Developing Personal Integrity, 2nd Edition
* The Guide To Real Estate Investing
*Asset Allocation The Key to Financial Success
* Making Money With Funds
* How To Make A Fortune On The Stock Markets
* How To Make A Fortune With Options Trading
* Tax Avoidance A Practical Guide For UK Residents
* The Ultimate Guide To Offshore Tax Havens
* How To Win At Online Roulette
* How To Win At Greyhound Betting
* The Ultimate Greyhound Betting System
* Attitude
*Investing In En Primeur Wine
*Eight Steps To Success
*Taking Action
*Planning and Goal Setting For Personal Success
*Sixty Original Song Lyrics
I began randomly popping from book to book, looking for signs of satisfied customers, and sure enough I found some. Lots of them. Here’s what one happy reader had to say about “How to Destroy Your Debts”:
“I first came across the now obsolete “The Common Sense Battle Plan to Conquering Debt and Enjoying Financial Freedom”, which has been replaced by this “How to Destroy Your Debts”. This new edition to that book is astonishing well written and presented for a book covering this topic. Although rammed to the hilt with practical advice and money saving techniques, it has managed to be clear and concise. The text flows in a logical manner making it easy to find a section easily the second time around. I particularly liked the “Shopping Aisle Kung Fu”, strategic techniques on avoiding being ripped off or overspending whilst shopping. This book has everything. How to manage your car, buy a car, sell a car, share a car etc. It covers how to make money from your house, land or other possessions. It even covers how to get the kids to contribute to helping clear the debt. If you have financial problems and are not reading this book, you are crazy.”
This glowing praise is from a happy camper who purchased “Taking Action”:
“I run a network marketing business, and wanted a book to help get the troops developing a great mental attitude. I bought this book and the other book on Attitude. They have proved to be most instrumental. I am getting great feedback from the down lines about these two books. Productivity has increased by 15% and the new recruits are staying in because everyone in my group has a better mental attitude and is being proactive. These books have helped me and I think they will help your business and relationships too.”
The poker people were happy and so were the wine drinkers (or perhaps they are simply merry because they drink wine?). At any rate, there were a lot of happy customers. So far so good for bona fide inspiration, but what else could I discover about this motivated author.
Well, motivated is as motivated does (pun intended, if anyone else is amused), and when he isn’t pumping out books this guy is Bungee jumping 300 feet, rolling down a hill in a see through plastic ball, parachute-jumping, or learning how to fly a helicopter. If he’s not at his desk and you can’t find him in any of those places, you might try looking on a mountaintop. He likes to climb those too. And not little ones either, we’re talking monster hills like Kilimanjaro. I am exhausted just from typing them out.
In an interview he says, “I like to walk away from a book inspired, motivated, and with my mind expanded irrevocably. I hope my own books do this to its readers.” Heck, he’s accomplished his first two goals for me already, and I haven’t even opened up a book yet. I imagine I will find my mind irrevocably expanded.
There was something else he said that stuck in my mind and is settling into my list of favorite quotes: “Life is not too short; it is just long enough for achieving all that you could achieve.”