Installing an Acrylic Tub Liner

An acrylic insert is an awesome way to get an affordable bathroom remodel that really changes a bathroom space-without costing you a fortune. Old and dated bathtubs are often replaced and at a big expense. Replacing your old tub needs only to be done when it’s structurally unsound. All that it really takes to completely change the look and feel of your old bathtub is by adding a form fitted acrylic insert.

Acrylic, marble or even granite tub liners adds a protective layer that changes the color, style and design of your old bathtub and makes it look like a brand new tub. Best of all, it takes just a few hours to complete this easy DIY bathroom project. Use this guide to installing an acrylic tub liner and you’ll be sure to get an affordable bathroom remodeling project that you can easily do yourself in less than a day.

  • 1. Measuring the Tub- Most acrylic tub suppliers use molds to create the acrylic tub liners while other supplier offer tub liners by general dimensions. If you can find the old blueprint for your home, you can use it as a guide for the original mold. Be sure to provide your supplier with accurate dimensions and you’ll be sure to get a tight fitting tub replacement.
  • 2. Prepping the Old Surface- Remove any loose tiles and give your bathroom walls and tub a good cleaning with some natural citric acid-based degreaser. Wash away the degreaser and wipe down the entire surface with a towel until dry.
  • 3. Dry Fitting the Tub Insert- Test fit the new tub before applying any adhesive. Make any cuts using a razor knife as required by the enclosed specifications. Some acrylic suppliers cut the drain openings and other molding excesses; while others don’t.
  • 4. Apply the Adhesive- Typically, you’ll need to line the drain holes, hard edges of the tub and the bottom of the tub insert with a layer of acrylic epoxy. Immediately insert the drying adhesive. Be sure to apply your adhesive according to the manufacturer’s specifications to insure you’re going to get the best bond possible. Press the tub firmly into place at all points and wipe away any excess adhesive right away.
  • 5. Fill the Tub with Water- Many times, water needs to be filled about halfway in the new insert to help balance the tub insert properly. Once again, be sure to check your manufacturer’s specifications to ensure you don’t void the warranty before completing this final step.

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