Instant Profitz Review

So I heard all of this great stuff about Instant Profitz and decided to sign up. I heard that you could make $100s of dollars in no time at all and that you could do it by just sitting in front of your computer and signing up for free offers. What? I asked myself….It sounds too good to be true!

However, just this week I decided to really focus on trying out their product. So far I’ve earned around $50 of which around $30 were for trial offers that I had to sign up for and commit to trying out for 2-4 weeks depending on the offer (My intention is to cancel right away anyway, so I thought what the heck, you know, just to get the money).

I did have to put my credit card information in for those, but the amount being paid for signing up with those offers was higher. I said to myself, “You’ve done this before with Inbox Dollars and boy was that a disaster.” However, from my experience with Inbox Dollars, I learned that as long as you cancel before the trial period is over, it’s all good.

That last sentence deserves its own paragraph. As long as you cancel before the trial period is over (unless you really want the product/service), then it’s all good!

The other part of the $50 I earned were for signing up for total freebies.

So….That being said, there are many more offers that one can sign up for without having to use your credit card! If you like PTCs and PTRs, then this is just right for you. Some offers only require an email address (I got a yahoo email just for this site i.e. so that I can manage my spam mail). Others ask for a regular home address and phone number. I usually put in my cellphone number since I don’t use it too often.

Here’s the thing. The less information asked for, the smaller the payout, but you can sign up for free offers (meaning no credit card) that will give you $2.00 plus just for filling out the first page of the sign up. Some offers give you $0.60 or $0.90 just for putting in an email address. Bottom line – Very little effort here and you can make hundreds of dollars just by signing up for free offers, trial offers, etc.

Oh, one other thing. I do understand that they pay out only once a month. You have to request your payout before the last day of the month and then you get the check/paypal payment/other option before the 20th of the following month.

So, if you decide to join this program, just remember to have fun!!!

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