Instructions for Making a Scented Votive Candle

Candle making is rapidly becoming a hobby and business opportunity for many individuals. Making homemade candles is a little bit easier than traditional craft projects. For some reason, I do not have a flair for drawing, sewing or design; however, I love making candles. One of the first style of candles that I ever made was a miniature votive candle. Votive candles are smaller and great to test your ability to complete this project.

The first step in making a candle to obtain the necessary tools. Most of the required materials can be purchased at craft or department stores. Below is a list of items that you should pick up ahead of time

(1) Votive Candle Molds (Have at least 8 – 12 molds)
(2) 128 Wax (Most retail stores sell this in a 10 pound brick)
(3) Waxed Wicks (Purchasing them pre-assembled is time saving)
(4) Can of Mold Release Spray
(5) Aluminum Steamer Pot
(6) Wax Melting Pitcher
(6) Measuring Cup
(7) Kitchen Scale (Must be at least 1 pound)
(8) Kitchen Timer
(9) Thermometer
(10) Hammer
(11) Safety Goggles
(12) Stir Sticks
(13) Colored Die Chip (Will be cheaper if you purchase a whole package)
(14) Bottle of Candle Scent
(15) Vybar Chemical (Holds in scent, found at local craft stores)
(16) A Heat Source (For example, kitchen stove)

Once you have all of the necessary tools and equipment you can begin to make your candles. If you purchased the brick of wax it is recommended that you place the brick in a box or container to prevent a large mess. You will start by hammering the brick into smaller pieces. Have your kitchen scale handy, you will then begin to weigh your wax. To make votive candles, you should have a total of one pound of wax.

Next you should fill the steamer pot and allow the water to boil. When boiling your water, do not leave your pot unattended. Once your water has started to boil, you can reduce the heat. Place the one pound of broken wax into the melting pot and attach the melting pot to the inside of the steamer pot. When purchasing a wax melting pot, make sure there is a long handle attached. This handle will allow you to hang the pot over the side of the steamer, making it safer for you. After a little bit of the wax has melted you can mix in the colored dye chip of your choice. Most votive candles will only require one dye chip; however, you can add in more if you’d like. Also add in a half of teaspoon of the Vybar chemical and begin to stir.

After all of the wax has melted you can check the temperature and it should be at least 185 degrees. When standing near your melting wax, it is recommended that you wear protective goggles and oven gloves to prevent yourself from being harmed. After you have checked the temperature of the wax you should let the wax heat at the current temperature for no less than twenty five minutes.

While the wax is cooking longer, you may begin to prepare your votive molds. I always spray my molds with the mold release spray. This spray should help the finished candle separate from the mold easier. Then you will want to place a wick in the middle of each votive mold. Depending on the size of your votive candles, you could have anywhere from eight to twelve candles.

Once your wax has finished cooking, you should add in the liquid scent. It is recommend that you do this right before the wax will be placed into the mold. You should add in, at most, one ounce of liquid scent. You will want to stir the wax until you feel that they have been properly mixed. Next, you will begin by pouring the wax into the votive candle molds. The liquid may move the wicks from the middle; therefore, once the wax begins to cool you may have to readjust the wick. Depending on the height of your candle, the middle of the candle may begin to cave in. If this happens, you can add more wax to fill in the gaps.

You should allow at least eight to ten hours before you try and separate the candle and the mold. Removing the candle too soon may ruin your hard work. Always remember to properly dispose of the candle wax or save your unused wax for future use. Never pour wax down any sink drains as the wax may harden and cause clogs.

Your finally project will be a set of beautiful votive candles. You should take pride in your work, knowing that you made the candles from scratch. A great way to determine if you should turn your candle making experiences into a home-based business is by first giving them out as gifts. People love gifts that come from the heart and a homemade candle is a great gift idea.

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