Interactive Online Entertainment Marketing Sweepstakes Contest Promotions

Founded in August 2003, Online Promotions Group is a full-service online entertainment direct marketing interactive agency. Our core service offering is, a portal for Online Entertainment Sweepstakes and Brand Promotions. Our data engine is primarily used to run various online promotions for entertainment-related events or product releases.

We offer entertainment brand solutions including sweepstakes contest hosting, design and marketing services; SMS text messaging; blogs; XML RSS Feeds; email marketing services; online advertising; online event promotion; rich media integration and much more!

We are your full online entertainment marketing solutions provider for your artist, event and/or entertainment brand.

Online Promotions Group is a joint venture between Butterflyvista and the Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC which owns and operates the following websites: Originally launched as in the summer of 2003 by Online Promotions Group (a joint venture of Butterflyvista & Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC), HollywoodPrize is an online sweepstakes contest portal for entertainment marketing brand promotions in music, games, tv, film, sports, theatre, books, magazines, models, fashion, fine art, comedy, performance art and entertainment-related products and services.

Online Promotions Group offers the most complete interactive artist, event and/or entertainment brand promotions solutions available.

What separates us from our competitors is our ability to utilize the latest technology, such as mobile content, to promote your artist or brand in a fresh and compelling way without enormous cost.

We can help you launch a blog site or launch a sophisticated email marketing campaign to a targeted audience to everything in between.

Our online campaigns reach the “tastemakers” (such as webmasters), who can oftentimes influence a vast majority of online users. More importantly, however, we can help you to build online street teams and brand ambassadors to champion your artist’s or brand’s guerilla marketing effort oftentimes in an offline capacity.

Our relationships with radio stations, entertainment sites, and digital media distributors enables you to reach the right media at a fraction of the cost of our competitors. Our tracking ability can also help you determine the origin of your consumer, particularly their demographics and online/offline spending habits, which can further pinpoint your targeted market with no waste spending!

Some of our services include:

* Guerilla/Grassroots Online Street Teams including Online Fan Club, Merchandise and Premium Subscription Content login controls
* Email viral campaigns
* Email marketing eNewsletter development, deployment and tracking
* Sweepstakes data capture and analysis via our contest engine, HollywoodPrize
* Metrics reporting and analysis
* Offline advertising to promote online events
* Online Advertising
* Online Entertainment Surveys on Sweepstakes Contest Registration Forms
* Refer A Friend loyalty rewards programs
* Online Marketing Strategy and Consultation
* Brand Marketing
* Blog site development & Marketing
* Rewards Programs
* Online PR Campaigns
* SMS Text Messaging
* Podcasts / RSS XML Feeds and much more!

Your brand is important to us. We recognize the sensitivity of your name and the effort you have given into making your product – let us handle the online promotions, branding and image building. Many companies outsource this effort to us to save time and money. Moving from one project to the next can be difficult if you don’t trust your agency.

Give us the opportunity to earn your trust as we deliver status reports on all of your online marketing promotions including ROI calculations. You can watch your email list grow and discover what the true demographics are for your brand…we even use zip codes to measure hot markets. And remember, consumers who give us false addresses are disqualified from our promotions.

We verify our data. Does your current interactive agency do this?

contact robert (at) or visit

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