Interior Paint and Supplies for Less Than the Price of a Date

How much does a typical date cost? Well, by the time the meal, appetizers and wine are tacked on, one can pay upwards of $50 or even more. Fortunately, painting a room and adding some spice to your living space doesn’t have to be that expensive or stressful-and the bonus with the paint is that you know it’s coming home with you.


Painting while on a frugal budget can be exciting and surprisingly simple. There are many resources available that are free or inexpensive. First, research some colors that match your personality. Choose several different color combinations, but keep an open mind. There are numerous techniques one can use during the preparation.

No need to purchase how-to books or DIY manuals. The local library will likely have many decorating books free of charge that show color combinations that can spark your creativity.

The paint manufacturer Behr has a great website that lets you choose colors for a virtual room. That way you can actually view the colors you choose.

Another great way to determine your colors is to go to your local paint supplier and bring home some free paint swatches. Those are a perfect way to develop ideas of color combinations.

Buying the paint

Most paint supply stores such as Home Depot, Lowe’s, or a local store will have gallons of rejected paint. Often there is nothing wrong with this paint. The reason they are rejected is because the color was made in error or the customer decided he or she did not want that color. Most rejected paint is marked down by at least 75%. That means instead of paying $20 or more a gallon, a gallon of pre-mixed paint will only set you back by about $5.

The downside is, of course, you cannot find an exact match to the colors you chose. That’s where the open mind comes into play. Many times you can find similar or just-as-satisfying colors. Do not be afraid to use two colors in one room-assuming the colors compliment one another (stay clear of tacky combinations).

Rejected paint is sometimes a hit-or-miss. If you are not satisfied with the colors available, then visit another store or come back a few days later. The rejection bin is constantly getting new additions.

Buying the supplies

Buy the roller at the paint supply store-you get what you pay for with rollers. Cheap rollers can leave fibers behind. So, instead of having a smooth coat you end up with furry walls. For all other supplies, locate the local Dollar Tree. Hardy paint trays, paintbrushes, a plastic tarp, and tape can all be purchased at a Dollar Tree for $1 each. Supplies end up costing around $10 instead of $30.

The final product

For a moderately sized room you have spent roughly $20. For less than the cost of a date you have added spice and flare to your living space. Now, your dates will be impressed with your decorating abilities and will likely visit more often.

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