Internet Scrapbooking Resources

Scrapbooking is a fast growing hobby revival. Scrapbooking has always been around. Remember the collections of favorite Rock groups or actors and actresses photos, news clippings etc. that you kept as a teenager? How about old family photo albums and the pleasant times you have spent revisiting family memories.

Scrapbooking has evolved to new creative levels. You have many options at your fingertips to expand on or begin this hobby.

You can spend a weekend at a Scrapbooking retreat or learn scrapbooking on-line. Here are a few of the many resources available to the seasoned or beginner in this creative hobby.

Scrapbooking Get-Aways

Camp Crop

The total dream of a weekend dedicated to your favorite hobby at a Scrapbooking “get-away. You can visit web sites dedicated to these “get-aways” like Camp Crop. Camp Crop is located in Wrighstwood, California. They offer two days and nights for you to work on your memory albums in a bed and breakfast style setting. You have unlimited access to all of the camps tools and supplies in the scrapbook area.

Camp Crop-Scrapbooking Get-Away in Wrightswood, CA.

The John C. Rogers House

Spend the weekend in a restored 1890 Georgian Bed and Breakfast Inn. The house is set on 3 acres of landscaped antique rose and perennial gardens. Besides feather beds and homemade meals you can “crop” away in the “Emma’s Garden Tea Room. A six foot table with lighting is provided for each participant. When you are not “cropping” you can stroll on the grounds and visit the local scrapbooking store after hours at discounted prices. If you would like to plan a get-away weekend for your group, contact the owners Marcia & Scott Nelson, Innkeepers

The John C. Rogers House – Scrapbooking Weekend

Scrapbooking Learning On-Line

Scrapbooking 101

A trip to this site will give you a wealth of FREE information on “How To” Scrapbooking. The site is very well organized giving you sections that you can address in a sensible breakdown. The topics covered are:

*Basic Techniques


*Archives of Layout of the Month and Article of the Month.

*Photos. How to approach the daunting task of sorting and scrapbooking many photos.

Computer Scrapbooking

Computer Scrapbooking is a site dedicated to using your computer to produce scrapbook pages, journaling and provides some FREE graphics for your personal use.

You can reference articles on scrapbooking, and look at layouts done by other avid scrapbooks enthusiasts. Each layout has a description of how the layout was created. These can be the basis of your own creative ideas on scrapbook pages.

Additionally the site has an email list that you can join to exchange ideas and information with other scrap bookers.


Scrapjazz bills their site as the “scrapboking megasite”. It is a treasure chest of information and scrapbooking supplies. There are links to techniques, themes and miscellaneous topics. Under techniques for instance you can select the topic of embossing. Under that link are various articles addressing that technique. Among other topics covered on techniques are journaling, mats and frames, paper tearing and many more.

The miscellaneous heading has links that cover Crops and Conventions, Business, Getting Published, Gifts and Craft Projects and more.

Many links to scrapbooking supply sources have been included. This enables you to browse these resources from one site instead of running “searches”. Check out the Shopping link to find coupons for discounts on scrapbooking supplies.

These internet resources will be not only an aid to the avid scrap booker but if you are looking for a unique gift idea, what better than a gift certificate to a Scrapbooking Get-Away or one for Scrapbooking supplies.

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