Interview Body Gestures – the Power of Nonverbal Signals

There is a famous saying that “The Human Body Is An Instrument of Expression”. The fact is the body can speak. It’s inherent powers can be exhibited with finesse in an interview, if you can get your acts together.

Here are some interview techniques which elucidate the power of nonverbal signals.

1. Making an eye contact with your interviewer is very crucial. The feeling of not getting the interviewee’s attention can be frustrating and will send wrong signals to him/her. There is a big difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is merely picking up sound vibrations. Listening is making sense of what we hear.

2. The effective listener shows interest to the conversation through non verbal signals. Affirmative head nods and appropriate facial expressions, when added to good eye contact, convey to the interviewer that you’re listening.

3. Clumsy sitting postures reveal your lack of confidence in a particular subject that is being discussed. It is always better to be seated in an upright position. This act definitely indicates that you’re upbeat.

4. When stumped with a difficult question, it is not good to frown. Facing the question with a smile proves that you’re composed at stressful situations.

5. Never keep your hands and feet dangling. For it portrays that you’ve difficulties controlling your anxiety about the interview process.

The above techniques are simple and can be easily acquired. As always, it’s only simple things that get overlooked by most of us. However, we end up paying a huge price for neglecting them. The power of nonverbal signals can be felt immensely when you sign your offer letter !

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