Interview with Author Sharon Norris Elliott

DA: What inspired you to write your book, Living the Milk and Honey Life?

Sharon: After studying about the Israelites, and their eventual freedom from Egyptian captivity, it shocked me that after their miraculous release, they wanted to go back to their captivity when they were confronted with their first challenge. My girlfriends and I began to talk. Though we had been released from our own “Egypts,” we too have wanted to return to the very things we longed to be delivered from. My book, Living the Milk and Honey life, discusses this very trait in us as women.

DA: Tell us a little bit more about Living the Milk and Honey Life.

Sharon: When God brought the Israelites out of their Egyptian bondage, he intended for them to live in the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Living the milk & honey life means you are living as God would have you to live. Your new life is one characterized by the joy and peace you will find when you are following God’s directives.

DA: You started a retreat also called Milk and Honey Life Retreat. Tell us the purpose of this retreat.

Sharon: The Milk & Honey Life Retreat is a time when women can get away from their daily responsibilities to concentrate on hearing from God. Women are pampered physically at a beautiful resort, allowed to explore their emotional issues in a safe environment surrounded by other loving sisters and professional workshop leaders, and encouraged and challenged spiritually through God’s word.

DA: This year’s retreat was July 21-22. Spill a few details.

Sharon: This year’s retreat was a phenomenal success. All of the above took place under the anointing of God. Some women were able to talk through some issues, others felt they heard from God in regard to the vision He wanted them to personally fulfill in their lives. Still others, who had come just for the relaxation and fellowship, got that rest and made new friends. Most of the women are excited about returning next year and intend to bring friends along.

DA: Will there be another one?

Sharon: Yes, next year’s Milk & Honey Life Retreat will be at the same location (The Boulders Resort and Golden Door Spa) in Carefree, AZ, near Phoenix. It will be held June 29 – July 1, 2007. Talks are underway for the Milk & Honey Life Retreat to go to different locations around the country. If your readers are interested in sponsoring a retreat closer to their own area, they can contact me through the website at the MilkAndHoneyLife. An area sponsor will work with our MHLR office and choose an appropriate site. We would need to guarantee a minimum of 60 women, and would assist with local advertising, promotion, and on-site volunteer support staffing during the event.

DA: As far as writing, what is your next project?

Sharon: I have several ideas for my next writing projects. I’m working on 3 book proposals. It will depend upon which contract comes through first as to what I actually concentrate on. I’m working on two more women’s titles: one challenging women with the question, “Are you concerned about what concerns God?” The other discusses the armor of God for women. The third project is a compilation devotional book.

DA: Thanks, Sharon, for taking time out of your always busy schedule to chat with us for a while.

Sharon is a mother of two teenage boys. She has numerous speaking engagements around the US as well as many book shows and signings. She also teaches at a private Christian high school. Sharon has recently launched her own business called Authorize Me.

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