Introducing Your Children to Nature

Nature is wonderful. Children are enthralled with the outdoors. They love to run outdoors, breathe in the fresh air, look for insects, and play in the mud. It is this natural curiosity that draws children to nature. With a little preparation, you and your child can explore nature and learn to appreciate the beauty of the great outdoors.

You do not have to live on a farm on out in the country to appreciate nature. Even if you live in the busy city, you can find places to enjoy nature. If you stop for a moment, no matter where you live, you can hear birds singing, crickets chirping and the leaves rustling. Look around. Bugs are everywhere. Leaves are blowing. Squirrels are gathering. This is nature no matter where you live.

When your children are interested in exploring nature, you can help them learn and appreciate their surroundings. Children learn by example and if you take the time to teach them properly, you are giving them a gift they will have forever.

The first thing you must do when you want to teach your children about nature is to make certain that you are not intruding on someone else’s property. That large field across from your neighborhood may seem like a haven, however if it is private property, get permission before you explore.

Next, you need to teach your child the philosophy of leaving a place neater than you find it. By all mean, take a picnic out in the woods, sit and enjoy. However, never leave trash or items behind. Not only is this considered littering (and is punishable by fines) it can harm the wildlife. Birds may mistake a plastic bag for something else and choke in your trash. It does not take too much effort to clean up.

The next thing you will want to teach your child is to respect the wildlife. I don’t know how many times I have seen parents allow children to throw rocks at squirrels or kick over a low lying birds nest. This is not the way anyone should treat nature. Teach your child that these animals live there and you are only visiting their home. Teach them not to turn over rocks or logs and not to put sticks in holes.

The same goes for capturing wildlife. Please teach your child that frogs, lizards and other animals need to live in the wild. Many a wild animal has suffered demise by being caught in a jar and left to die. If you do allow your child to catch insects, make sure that you have a safe way of capturing them and a safer place for keeping them. Then, make sure the insect is properly returned to it’s home.

You will also want to teach your child not to disrupt flowers, plants and grass. There is a certain balance between animal life and nature. Enjoy flowers, but teach your child not to pull them out of the ground. Also, it is important to remember that many plants are protected or are endangered.

The last thing you want to teach your child about enjoying nature is how to prepare for the outdoors. Certainly, you will want to dress appropriately, but you will also want to prepare for emergencies. Wear sunscreen and bug repellant year round and take along a first aid kit, a bottle of water and a snack. Of course, if you are hiking far, let someone know where you are going and take a cell phone along, too.

Nature is available for everyone. Make sure that your kids know the proper way to enjoy the outdoors. Introducing your child to nature is not only fun, but it is great exercise and educational.

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