Invisalign: The Perfect Braces for People of an Older Age

It used to be that braces were just for kids and it seemed that they were always put on around the awkward age of 11. It seems that braces were always a passage of puberty that most of us somehow survived. But today, at ages when getting dental work used to mean getting caps or dentures, more older people are now getting braces instead. Not only are braces less painful that having teeth pulled, and not to mention getting used to wearing the dentures, but braces are now a more private experience. No tinsel teeth or mouthfuls of metal and rubber bands. When my grandmother informed me this January that she was getting braces, I was as surprised as anyone. I said to her, “but grandma, you’re 72. Don’t you think that’s a little old for braces?” She said, just because we get older doesn’t mean we have to stop caring about how we look.

And you know what? She’s absolutely right. Today, more and more seniors are staying active within their communities, and it’s still important for them to feel good about themselves. Part of feeling well is having good teeth, and as you age you may find that your teeth also take a downward or slanting shift that is not quite beautiful. Now there is another option for older people today, and it’s called Invisalign. Older people have enough silver in their hair and they don’t want it in their mouth too, which is why Invisalign is a great product.

Because Invisalign braces don’t show, and there are no rubber bands they are quite popular with older patients. My grandmother just started wearing her new Invisalign braces in January, but I can already see a boost in her self esteem, and she’s excited about wearing them. No one ever notices them unless she is taking them out to eat and she is eager to share if asked what they are. Having braces is no longer an embarrassment, and you don’t have to worry about food getting stuck in them because you can just take them out. Now grandma smiles more and she says she is starting to see improvement already.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is unlike any other braces system on the world market today. Unlike conventional braces, Invisalign braces are technically “invisible”. Invisalign braces are made of soft, but firm translucent material that sits comfortably over the teeth. These braces are nearly undetectable to the naked eye and you can wear them all day without being noticed. If you want to eat or drink all you have to do is pop them out and cleaning the braces is simple; just rinse with hot water and let dry.

One problem my mother had when she first got the Invisalign braces was that her cat got one off the table and chewed it up, and sometimes people loose them. Luckily replacement is easy and you can most likely get a new pair within a week. Invisalign is also still mainly a novelty in most social circles because it is relatively new and unknown. But as more and more people try them, word is spreading quickly. Older adults are flocking to the technology because you can wear the braces anywhere in the world, without them being noticed by a single person.

Maybe you missed out on having tinsel teeth when you were a kid, or your teeth shifted as you aged. No matter what your reason is for wanting braces at an older age, if you now have the money you should put it where your mouth is. When we are younger it is easy to say not now, or I don’t have the money and I can get by without them, or my teeth are fine, what do I need braces for? But when you are older and more experienced you don’t want to go through the pain or embarrassment of getting dentures. For most people the results are stunning, even for people whose teeth may not have been that bad to begin with.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Compared to most dental work, I would say that Invisalign is a bargain for braces. With standard metal braces you may wear them for two years or more, visit the orthodontist a billion times, and then when you get them off your teeth may shift right back if you don’t wear the retainer. With Invisalign, you wear the braces for 12-18 months (much shorter than the conventional method) and the result is truly amazing. When you are getting Invisalign, you can see the before and after photos for other patients before you buy.

The cost of Invisalign braces varies from person to person, depending on how many sets you will need, and how many visits. You could estimate the cost to be anywhere from $4000 to $6000, with a maximum of maybe $7000. It is most likely that your dental insurance will not cover the costs. My grandmother had some rainy day cash saved and that’s what she used. You could also borrow from your savings or pension. If you have the money there is really no reason not to spend it on your smile. Having great teeth not only helps you feel better, but also has some health benefits too. Having healthy teeth is just one part of living a healthy life.

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