Is Your Daughter in a Dangerous Relationship? Check for Red Flags

Is Your Daughter In A Dangerous Relationship? If you’ve wondered about it or suspected then read this article to read about the warning red flags. Not every sign here implies that she is in an abusive relationship, but it might lead to further abuse over time if she doesn’t leave the person that she might be in abusive relationship with. Here are five tips to be able to tell if your daughter is in an abusive relationship.

1.Does your daughter not talk much about her romance relationship? It may be a sign that something is wrong in the relationship. If She gives you the answer that what happens in the relationship isn’t any of your business or anyone else then be concerned about it. Abusers often tell a daughter that what goes in the romance relationship is just between them and she doesn’t need to talk about it.

2.Does she make excuses for his behavior? If so, this is a warning sign. If she is constantly making up excuses for his controlling or abusive behavior all the time. Be concerned if she acts afraid or something doesn’t seem quite right when she is around her romance partner. Be concerned if you see bruises on her.

3.Does she not talk much when he is around? This may be a sign that he puts her down or doesn’t allow her talk very much around others. Be concerned if she seems to have even more low self esteem when she is around him. Be concerned if your daughter seems unhappy with him if she was usually happy before she got with him.

4.Does your daughter not have much money? If the romance partner controls the money or doesn’t give her hardly any money then be concerned. Abusers often use money as control in order to get their romance partners to do what they want or to get them to stay in the relationship longer. Be concerned if the romance partner has severe money spending problems.

5.Does your daughter have weird or unbelievable excuses when there is bruises on her? This is the most important sign that something wrong is happening. Don’t believe her excuses if you see bruises on her all the time. Sometimes daughters are afraid to talk about or scared to talk about abuse that is happening in a romance relationship. Perhaps the abuser threatened her. Tell her that she can talk to you anytime or let her know that she is always welcome to move back home if she needs to.

If your daughter is in an abusive relationship then make sure that she files a police report and also that she files for an restraining order. It is important that the abusive partner stays away from the house and her place of employment. She might want to change any telephone numbers too. Tell her that it isn’t her fault. Don’t blame her. Your daughter might have a difficult time leaving the romance partner if she thinks that she loves him despite the crazy things that happen.

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